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Hey everyone!  Here I am with season 1, episode 11 of Camp Camp!!!  OMG, of course Cameron would take on a challenge like this for tens of dollars :P  It's no wonder he's always in so much trouble haha. It was great to see the other camps in this one!!!  And I guess the moral of the story was....don't work together?  Don't use team work?  I mean, I'm with David in that that doesn't sound like the right message lol!!!!  And now we're getting something from David's past?!?!!  Can't wait!
Great ep, enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18PKBxlcj61SlMcx97WPBLrIlL1L5jyH8/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

I told you a few weeks ago that your energy kind of seems similar to David, in that you’re always happy, cheery, and trying to look on the bright side. If you are David, picture the rest of the camp as every show that’s ever hurt you somehow. :P Anyway we can’t have a camp without competition, we can’t have competition without ridiculous stakes, and we can’t have ridiculous stakes without shenanigans… I have questions about how spiked balls and acid improve posture, but hey, you did catch the Terminator 2 reference! (STILL one of the best science fiction movies ever made IMHO). By the way I’m totally relatable to Nikki trying to row because I’d have no clue what I’m doing. You seem to be having a little bit of trouble with Dolph - let me help you. Yes he’s definitely who you think he is, if episode 6 didn’t make that obvious - but he’s that guy before all the trauma and rejection turned him into that figure - he’s just a happy kid with very um… coincidental tastes? 🤷‍♂️ By the way motivation to win is nowhere near as powerful as Gwen’s motivation to not be the object of Pikeman’s affection. And also, don’t ever try to be someone you’re not, according to this episode you’re just stopping to their level. On that note, it’s Christmas week, do you have fifty bucks? 👀


Aw my poor little David can’t catch a break. ⛺️


OMG I am totally David and the campers are my shows :O :O :O I love the Terminator 2 reference!!! It's such a classic! You just know this is gonna be 1000% shenanigans! Oh yeah I'd have no clue what to do either. I see, so he literally is that person....just like snatched out of time somehow and placed here before all that stuff happened.....wow :O Hahaha Gwen's got her own motivations and man are they strong!!! I guess there was a moral to this story lol. Hahah I wish I did, I'm broke after Christmas shopping and might have to start gambling on camp competitions at this point :P