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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 2, episode 20 of Vinland Saga!  Oh dang guys, like I knew Ketil's crew was gonna get rolled, but DANG!  It was hard to watch.  I'm glad that Snake, Olmar and Thorgil made it out.  Speaking of which, WOW that attempt on Canute's life almost worked!!!!  He's an amazing strategist, but he just literally wasn't watching his back and it almost cost him.  Plus, physical prowess isn't really his thing.  Arnheid's departure in this was SO SAD!!!!!  She's been through so much and God you guys, I hate to see anyone die but I just want her to have peace at this point.  Speaking of which, this is all great motivation for Thorfinn to go build Vinland!!!  I think it's going to be a beacon of hope in this world filled with violence, suffering and slavery.  Thorfinn stopping Einar from the cycle continuing was so shocking as well, but necessary.  And now Thorfinn's got business with the King...dang!!!!
Cannot wait to see where this is going!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qYh2SibFmgytCzkMqArcTdAvOol5JXBC/view?usp=sharing



Rest in Peace Arnheid. It doesn’t make it any easier when you know it’s coming. 🕊️ I’m so craving next week’s episode. I’ve been wanting to see Thorfinn and Canute reunite. This is going to be so interesting.


I love this absolutely heartbreaking episodes it’s so well done. I like this look into the mind of Fox & how he enjoys killing & inflicting pain/having people afraid of him work because I like when a side character is able to add to the story in this way as well as how it connects to the big moment between him and Thorfinn near the start of the season. As we & he are seeing all the awful violence and sees how much the Jomsvikings are enjoying all of this violence/death the shoe is on the other foot. And as he’s feeling all this fear & worrying about his own friend (I like the detail that he says badger’s actual name) I think he is having the realization of the terrible part of violence/war in a way he has never been able to before. I find it interesting that they show badger being able to fight in the face of something so terrifying while Fox cannot because it’s true to life with how some people can be brave in the face of scary things & others might freeze. I love that when Snake comes in to save badger he orders a retreat because it makes sense after he tried his best to convince Ketil to back down. I really respect how much Snake is bothered by this pointless loss of life which is definitely pointless since Ketil should have realized he had no chance against the king. I love how the show goes into commentary on class divides with the short scene between Ketil & one of the farmers. And that’s because even though there are people with the best of intentions although there’s many who don’t unfortunately a lot of kind people in the position of the rich don’t understand what the poor go through and feel. Also he is having the realization that his wealth was the only thing that gave him so much influence/power & when faced with someone stronger all of that power disappears. I love the scene of Canute vs. Thorgil because it’s a good showing of how much Canute has improved in combat actually being able to sense Thorgil coming & defend himself. Even if I don’t like the violence Thorgil saying he has come from the Norse version of hell is the most badass thing to say. Also it’s insane that even though he defended himself Thorgil still almost broke the king’s sword & hurt his hand. I like that because Canute realizes he is outclassed in was strength he uses some tricky tactics to fight here. I like that Thorgil shows respect for the king’s improvement. And then what happens between Thorgil & Wulf is absolutely brutal especially the eye stuff it makes sense that these two would be on equal terms strength/skill wise since they are both members of the Kings guard even if Wulf is a higher rank being Capt.. I like how this shows Wulf’s devotion & respect for the king. It was a coincidence but I like how Thorgil inadvertently saved his father by forcing the soldiers to fall back to defend their king. I love how Snake wants Ketil to take responsibility for all the people who died although you have a point he doesn’t seem like the type of person to be honorable like that. And then we get to what I consider the saddest part of this show up to this point. It’s sad that all this bloodshed is making Arnheid flashback to what happened to her village I agree she should not have to remember this. And then it gets to the really depressing stuff with Einar doing everything he can to give Arnheid something to live for while she just wanted to give them her thanks for the joy/small amount of hope they gave her. I like that Leif doesn’t lie about the possibility of war coming to Iceland. After everything she’s gone through, losing her entire family & faced with a world full of war, slavery & pain/suffering you really can’t blame her for wanting to go to a better place where she can be with her family. I am immensely impressed by how Einar’s VA is able to convey his desperation/grief finally talking about his own wants as well as the part of him hyperventilating when they can’t bring her back. I love how the CPR from the beginning of the show is brought back here & it’s just one more comparison between Thorfinn and his father. It also shows that he has started to remember more of his past particularly his childhood now that he has a clear head. It’s really such a powerful moment with Einar talking about what he wants for a change because it’s realistic that a person will not be selfless all the time although I would not say wanting her to live is selfish it’s just not selfless like he has been down constantly. The animation of Einar crying out for her & then his facial expression when the realization wake up of her death hits is so good but hurts. I love that when Thorfinn gives the Vinland speech Leif is there & his reaction is subtle but wonderful. I think it’s beautiful that Thorfinn is going to carry Arnheid’s spirit with him to Vinland metaphorically because if you recall he said he couldn’t handle the weight of another persons death but he is going to do that for Arnheid despite what he said because of how much he cared about her at least that’s how I always saw that moment. I think this scene of Einar losing himself to rage & Thorfinn stopping him is incredibly powerful not only because he’s stopping someone else from going through the suffering he went through since wanting revenge didn’t help him but also is there for Einar comforting him and understanding through his sadness. What a beautiful friendship they have. I love the message that getting revenge will not help you deal with your sadness, anger and frustration. Also what a patient author to write an entire part of this story dedicated to Thorfinn’s to have one of the payoffs be this message. Man Einar’s voice acting for his crying is hard to listen to say the least but it’s so great and I am glad he had the chance to let out all his sadness in this moment. It’s tragic that this happened but they chose a beautiful place to lay her to rest. I like how Thorfinn remembering Canute’s feelings about God is what makes him consider going to see him to try to prevent more bloodshed I think because something about the king’s words resonates with him. I find the trust & promise between Thorfinn & Leif at the end here to be sweet and the determination he displays at the end of the episode is amazing as well. This episode certainly lived up to its name with all the physical and emotional pain. Finally I can’t tell you how happy I am that this show has gotten you as investors as you are thanks to season 2 because I just love this story so much it means a lot to see someone else love it as well. Also I was able to avoid crying when watching your reaction to the last episode but I did watching your reaction to this one but that just shows how great it is. The ride is not over yet so be prepared. Awesome reaction & thoughts it was very poignant keep up the great work. :-) <3