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"The vessel know as Stargazer is the embodiment of the ale fuelled boasting of a dwarven Runesmith, and the impetious nature of a down on his luck sea captain sitting accross the tavern table.

With little to lose and assured of the skill of dwarves, Captain Kyron allowed the Runesmith, Joric Bronzearm, to implement his mysterious art on his ship the Lucky Oak. The latter promising it would 'expand his horizons'.

It is unclear as to whether the hopeful Captain (or Joric for that matter) was aware of the effect the runes would have upon the ship but when it began to asend into the sky, the conclusion was obvious.

Renamed Stargazer, the vessel sails the wind and clouds, the good Captain and his oft drunk friend Joric in search of adventure and plunder."

- Excerpt from 'Maurauders Abroad' written by Trellius Dredger


Hi guys!

Here is the first map for May, sorry that it took so long but I did a fair bit of experimenting with this map including creating alot of stand battle tokens.

Would you guys be interested in me releasing battletokens i.e Canons, barrels etc so you can drop them into your own battlemaps?

I will be releasing a version of this map with balista instead of canons by the end of the month.

Thanks for all the feedback in our Discord channel!

Let me know what you think.

Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license 


George - The Reclusive Cartographer




This looks great. Good job. I'm really interested in getting a "clean" version for VTT - that is, with no writing, no grid, with the various decks in separate image files.


battle tokens would be brilliant! every time you post it makes me want to go and create so thank you for being an inspiration. this is an awesome map.