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“Like many of the villages and towns of Thralia, the village of Hoelbac is principally constructed of crude timber and thatch buildings, the art of stonework seemingly beyond them.

The people, though hardy, lack refinement, this is perhaps to be expected given the harshness of their climate. The winter bites considerably harder than in the fairer lands to the south, leading to frequent crop failures and other such trials.

Eldest sons inherit all lands and properties, exacerbating the shortage of arable land for many second and third sons. It is unsurprising then that villages such as Hoelbac’s principle export are mercenaries and (in many cases) marauders, the axe wielding warriors and their shallow bottomed vessels gracing nearly every army on the continent.

The centre of village life is undoubtedly the Mead Hall where the inhabitants will meet nearly every evening to drink themselves insensible and partake in bloody brawls until the dawn. The local ‘lord’, Jarl Godrik, rather than cracking down on such boorish behavior, can often be found in the centre of such altercations fighting his very own Household Guards. A disgraceful sight to behold.

All in all, Hoelbac is a poor excuse of a polis, its buildings of low quality, its people of poor means.

I pray to the All Father that such places will be few and far between as I progress across this backwater province.”

  • Sir Jacob Brant, Royal Surveyor, excerpt from Concerning Thralia, Royal Survey 382AR


Hi guys,

Here is a Viking inspired village of Hoelbac!

This is the winter version. I hope you like it.

Let me know what you think! All feedback welcome.

This is the 3rd of 4 premium posts this month, the last will be a palace dugeon map that I will be holding a poll for tomorrow in regards to its theme so keep an eye out for that!

Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license 


George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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