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Hi guys!
Some of you guys that are over on our Discord Server might be aware that I have been toying with the idea of holding a monthly lottery to allow one of you wonderful people the chance to get your own custom map made.
June is as good a month as any to test the idea, so I declare the Map Lottery open!
Here is how to enter: 
Step 1. Comment on this post with the name of your map and a short description. 
I.e. the town of Huret, a small merchant community in the middle of untamed swampland.
Step 2. There is no step 2. :D
Admissions are open from now until Saturday 13th June 8pm GMT at which time the winner will be choosen in true DnD fashion, through the throwing of dice
The finished product will be made available to all Patrons. 


The dice have spoken.

Winner: Micheal Young - Lich lair in an overgrown forest.

Thanks to all that entered!

George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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