The Floating City of Kel Patra (Patreon)
"You have been called here on a matter of grave importance. We, the Enclave, have voted to share with you some highly sensitive information, we do not take this decision lightly.
Kel Patra is dying. The magical currents that hold our fair city amongst the clouds is faltering. Our mages have been unable to ascertain the cause and for all their efforts they can but tell us that we have at most one week before this city will plummet to the earth.
Be it natural, magical or the plot of evil men you must stop this.
We don't have to explain to you the fate of every person in this city were the wost to happen but sadly the prognosis is even more dire. Our scholars tell us that should the city fall, the resulting shockwave will devastate much of the continent, killing many thousands.
No living soul beyond these walls must be told of these facts, a panic would no doubt ensue causing yet more suffering.
All our hope goes with you and you shall be given all assistance within our power to grant. Please save us all."
---- Excerpt from the minutes of a closed session of The Enclave, meeting with an unknown band of adventurers.
Hey guys!
Here is the latest map for you guys, the floating city of Kel Patra.
Let me know what you think!
Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license
George - The Reclusive Cartographer