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Happy Friday one and all!

I am very happy to present to you our second major map release for this month’s theme of Sea Raiders and Vikings, The Hidden Raiders’ Shrine.

This map was inspired by some of the ideas that have been developed as part of the Fallen Kingdom Project.

For those that don’t know, the Fallen Kingdom Project is a bit of collaborative worldbuilding we are doing on our Discord Channel where we are creating our own campaign setting.

Warning: Lore Dump

I won’t go into too much detail but suffice to say, the southern oceans of the region are dominated by tribes of Dragonborn sea raiders (vikings and dragons, what could possibly go wrong). Based within the Shattered Isles, marauding bands of raiders scour the oceans for plunder.

The tribes compete with each other to bring the greatest treasures and booty to a hidden shrine (psssst, like this one) as tribute to their goddess Nirnasha.

The greatest treasures are thrown into the sacred pit around the shrine, in the hope of receiving the blessings of the goddess.

It is only the priests (and some unfortunate and short lived slaves) that know the truth, Nirnasha is no goddess but rather a powerful beholder living deep beneath the shrine. The treasure is secretly collected and transported deeper underground to join Nirnasha’s no doubt already vast hoard.

I see a beholder lair somewhere in our future. :D

Calling All Worldbuilders!

If you are keen to get involved in the Fallen Kingdom Project then pop over to Discord and start throwing ideas around! You don’t have to be a Patron (though obviously that would be helpful :P), and you can be as involved as you like.

But wait! There is more….

I have once again partnered with the absolutely excellent folks over at Rudok’s Tavern to bring you some awesome Viking inspired magic items and monsters to fill this dungeon.

Collaboration Info

Collaboration Map Maker: Reclusive Cartographer

The Reclusive Cartographer creates content that you can drop straight into your campaigns, give your players a little more inspiration, and to help bring your adventures to life!

Here you will find maps for Encounters, Dungeons, Settlements and whole Regions; everything you will ever need.

Collaboration Illustrator: Rudok’s Tavern

Rudok’s Tavern is a place where you can find items, monsters, maps and stories from our unique Homebrew World. So if you are interested in fantasy works of art or lore galore, feel free to support us.

We welcome anyone who wishes to visit our humble inn.



Join my Patreon community today and gain instant access to my archive of 100s of maps CLICK HERE to find out more.

Or if you want to have a look at all previously release maps to see if this Patreon is for you CLICK HERE

Thank you to everyone for all the support and I hope you enjoy the maps!

Released under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license


George - The Reclusive Cartographer



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