Propose a victim for the TICKLE MACHINE! (Patreon)
2020-09-25 11:56:15
2022-02-28 18:31:12
Hello Extreme Members!
For the illustration of the Tickle Machine of SEPTEMBER I need victims! The last victim you chose was Samus Aran... now it's time to decide who will be the next victim of the Extreme Tickle Machine!
But before ... the Extreme Members can propose names for the next POLL.
How to propose names?
- You can propose a victim for the tickle machine in the Discord group: “⚙TICKLE_MACHINE⚙” in the "💀victims_poll” chat.
- Or, for those who don't use Discord, you can propose your victim below in the comments!
Thank you all for your support!
📣For those who still don't know what the TICKLE MACHINE is and how it works I leave this LINK: TICKLE MACHINE
- ONE name only!
- JUST Females characters!
- NO MINORS (If the lady seems very minor... or she has a minor body but an adult personality... she can also be excluded.)
- NO real people!