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This is good .. but so hype for your book 2 cartoon reactions !! So damn hype

Kasen Rogers

You know what’s crazy? Appa and Momo in this are voiced by the guy who played Liu Kang in the 2 most recent MK games.

Jason Budda

I'm actually glad the live action wasn't a direct copy & paste from the original series. I love the changes they made to kinda make it into their own version. 9/10

Mika Chan

LOVED IT everything was awesome especailly momo


I really like Kiyoshi showing up and using her powers! I think it was more epic than what was done in the animated series.


I was a little disappointed they showed the Fire Lord this early but as soon as I heard his voice I was so down. No one can beat Mark Hamill but he delivered that line perfectly. I also worry that having Kyoshi here means they’ve cut Roku’s very similar scene - but I can kinda get why they did that. No way they were topping the scene at the Fire Temple so why compete. Unless I’m completely wrong and we get two Aang/Avatar possession scenes in one season


Okay I see Suki on her Katana shit lol!