Thank you so much for supporting me and my art! Your pledge means I can continue to create art and update my comics every week! I’m infinitely grateful, and I hope you have fun here on my page! Feel free to comment on posts, I always try to respond at the end of the day. And if you have any technical questions, my DM’s are always open!
Lastly, if you’re pledging in the middle/end of the month, you will be charged up front for the current month, then charged again on the 1st of the following month if you’re renewing you’re pledge, and every month following, you will only ever be charged again on the 1st.
And thanks again! You guys have a rare opportunity of building a webcomic series from the ground up because Haunting Dagger has only been in my lineup for a few months, and it’s already come so far thanks to your pledges and continued support!
Much love: Caez and their goblin son.