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Orihime this time.

오리히메 능력이 사상을 거절/거부 한다고 하길래 어떤 개념 같은 것이나 존재도 거부할 수 있는 건 줄 알았는데 그림을 다 그리고 나서 보니 그런 능력은 없다고 하더라구요.

그래서 어쩌다 보니 대사가 더 다크해졌습니다.🙄

I knew that her power was to reject/deny thoughts (certain facts, ideas, or objects), so I thought she could reject any concept or something, but after I finished drawing, I found out that her power wasn't like that.

So somehow the lines became darker. 🙄

오리히메도 참 매력적인 캐릭터라서 자주 그려보고 싶네요.😈

앞오로도 열심히 그리겠습니다.

Orihime is also a very charming character, so I want to draw her often.😈

I will continue to draw hard in the future.

감사합니다 Thank you!



Kenny Johnson

Love the darker concept, Woo!😈 Definitely would love to see more Orihime drawings in the future!


Yes Orihime! Love how you draw her, hope you do more with her!👍


Orihime is a great MILF. You should try drawing them more often 😉