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Irelia this time.

이렐리아는 주로 이런 소재들이 생각나네요.

힘으로 해결하는 리더 같은 이미지라서 그런가 🙄

When I think of Irelia, usually these are the kinds of ideas that come to my mind.

She has the image of a leader who solves problems with force (to me), so maybe that's why. 🙄

조만간 키아나도 그려보도록 하겠습니다.

I'll try to draw Qiyana soon.

감사합니다 Thank you!



Gabriel Marinho

I'm looking forward to the continuation of the akarii series !!


How do u see the full image?


You can see it on the Discord server. Please refer to the pin post for how to connect to the Discord server. If you have any problems, please send me a DM through Discord or Patreon.