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Another one that snuck up on us! VERY much enjoyed this -- what do y'all think of Meet the Robinsons???

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/qnsHKZUJpQw

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/EXVODgtvTks

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie%20Reaction


Meet the Robinsons WATCHALONG


100percent W00D

Woooo can't wait to see this after work I'm sure it will be a great reaction and review.

Nia Linder

Omg I love meet the Robinsons 🫶🏾😩

Curtis Rice

Gotta wait til I'm done house/dog sitting for sister before a watch. I believe I saw this in theaters as a kid. One of my favorite animated movies.


Great reaction, guys! This is one of my very favourite Disney movies, right up there with Aladdin, A Bug’s Life, Treasure Planet and Coco. I wish they’d shown us Goob in the future after the changes. I suppose if the sequel had happened we might have seen that. I love everything about this movie. The casting, the story, the score/soundtrack - I was mad about Jamie Cullum in 2007 and was so thrilled to have him get two songs on the album.


Will y’all react to Wicked? 👀

Kevin C

Petition for Roxy and Tara to react to this as well! This movie is too good and underrated to not have more super sexy rejects reacts to it. lol

Leon 🦇

Waiting on that fast five reaction 🫠 Greg I can’t wait anymore 💔


Yay! This movie is such a gem! I used to go around quoting "I have a big head and little arms" 😂 And I adore little Goob 🥰 Great messages. I always cry at the end. Just all around a lovely, quirky and heartfelt joy.🖤


Sorry im late to the party... I Love this movie!! I consider it one of those "hidden Disney gems" that many people have ultimately missed out on so I'm glad Andrew and John got to see it! My motto with the reject nation is quickly becoming "Better late than never" (that also includes myself because there's many movies I haven't seen yet) and my heart honestly feels so full when you watch something that I've loved for the longest time for the first time ❤️❤️❤️

Anthony Jackson

What a classic i haven't seen the since i was a kid!! Would love more animated films!! To recommend just a few that im not sure everyone in the group may have seen, "The fox and the hound" (such a classic from 1981), "Cars" (1-3) series which i think would be a great popular choice for the channel, "spirited away", and the "wreck it ralph" movies! :) fun films i can see anyone enjoying