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Thanks for the question, Sir David Gallacher!

What about you guys?! Sounds off in the comments yo!!!


What Movie Decade Would We Say Is Our Favourite?!


Kurt Anderson

Skipping the decade I’d say the single greatest year of film ever would be 1939.


Mine is the 80's because of all the teenage movies like The Break fast Club, Weird Science, Ferris Bulers Day Off, and the Back to the Futer movies that's what decade in more comfortable with.

Daniel Gallacher

Thanks for answering. :) I'd probably say my favourite is the 80s with the 90s a very close second. The 90s also saw a rise in prominence of the Coen Brothers with films like Fargo and The Big Lebowski and David Fincher with films like Seven and Fight Club.


Definitely a solid choice! And I think a lot of people would probably agree with you, especially at this moment in time 😉


No problem, man!! Thanks again for asking :) Can definitely see why you'd go with the '80s - sooo many beloved films (especially these days). Pretty good one-two punch between the two decades. And a fascinating transition from the older schools of filmmaking into the roots of the more modern ones..