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Thanks for your question, HEATHER CRISFORD!!!

There are a lot of terrific British actors & actresses out there... leave your picks in the box along with your thoughts on the Billie Eilish BON THEME announcement!!!




Nikki Sonrisa

Eddie Redmayne, Idris Elba, and Cate Blanchett are my favorite British actors/actresses. I have no opinion on Billie Eilish. I think all the Brits were super entertained by your American brains trying to figure out who is and isn't British lol


Ohhhh haha, I bet 😅🤓 we had to have gotten a few, though!! I just hope y'all got a nice good kick out of it.


And Scotland & Wales are tricky!! lol. They're all technically the UK, right? But if you're Welsh or Scottish, you're not British? Kinda how a square is one of the rectangles, but not every rectangle is a square? So the UK would be the categorical "rectangle" and then Wales, Scotland, England, N. Ireland are different kinds of squares... right?!?!?! Does this metaphor worK? lol I think another component of that confusion is the interchangeability of England, Britain, the UK, etc. over here. Anyway. Glad y'all had fun lol

Nikki Sonrisa

oh it was super fun. and don't worry, I wouldn't have done that much better (I'm American myself haha ). I think a lot of it also has to do with how great British actors are with recreating our accent. it's uncanny!


Haha I'm glad either way! It does seem like British actors, especially, get our accents down really well. But I guess that makes sense since we left from there to begin with lol 😅