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"Sex And Violence"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/387082269/1eb35c4d19

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT: 42min 39seconds



Sam & Dean find 3 small-town men have beaten their wives to death. Behind the murders is a SIREN, who puts brothers under her spell.


Supernatural 3x14 STREAM Sex And Violence


Jasmine Oswalt

It’s always funny watching the beginning of this episode because my name is Jasmine 🤣

Toasted Toad

Haven’t had a chance to do more than a quick listen to your comments but I just wanted to say before I forget - the flowers were planted (no pun intended) by the siren. Seeing the plant at the doctor, he then produces petals as evidence to Dean, claiming it had been at previous murder. Dean never looked into it. pretty much agree with everything you said, except also wanted to note that Dean’s siren was a man, showing that the nature of a siren is not just sexual. Dean can get sex whenever he wants it, a siren is not going to catch him that way. What he wants is the perfect little brother, which Sam is not (Sam is lying to him and also is his own person, and nobody is ever 100% what you want). So it all comes out explosively at the and and, being the Winchesters, they pretend it never happened. Dean has never fully trusted Ruby despite acknowledging her help. Anyone messing with the relationship between himself and his bro is instantly going to get on his bad books. you raise a lot of valid questions. They will be answered... eventually! Don’t be so concerned with agreeing with the fans. For starters, no two of us think alike (although there are certain episodes on which consensus of opinion is about 90-95%, they are few) but I also would like to know whether you enjoyed an episode or whether it left you cold, not just whether you respected it. And I agree. I often think that anyone appearing before the splash screen should be wearing a red shirt.

Jennifer Lundstrom

If it helps, the Doctor went to Larry's Pub, not the Honey Wagon Bar where the strippers worked ;)


I actually really like this episode for a number of reasons. I like the way the show showcases the schism between the brothers in this episode. The emotional turmoil they both are feeling seemed very genuine to me. I can see both sides of their positions. And I really, really liked the way the show conceptualized the siren especially when they acknowledged that theoretically a siren will not always be about sex/romance and could be about other types of desires/love. I also thought the way Jim Parrack plays the siren once Sam comes into the motel room was brilliant. He felt menacing, smug, petty, and cruel all at once. I loved every second of it.


And she was hungover from a “fun night” when Sam first met her. How dare she?! 😂 I’ve always thought the writers intended for us to think Cara was a party girl, with the whiskey in her desk. That PUB sign in neon made it pretty clear why she was going in there. That said, this show is so much about possession, smoke involuntarily rushing in an innocent person’s mouth, the violation that is, and here we have a siren in human male form essentially ejaculating toxin from his mouth-urethra directly into Sam’s mouth. I love this show. So much. ❤️

Steve Rivera

I really enjoy this episode. I thought it was a fun monster of the week with a good mystery. Back when this aired, they got me. I didnt suspect the FBI agent. As for the Doctor, turns out she's just a very sexually forward gal. Good for Sammy!

Steve Rivera

On a side note, you re coming up on a very solid batch of episodes. I'll just leave it at that and not say which ones or what about them, but definitely some fan favorites are in the vicinity 😎

Toasted Toad

Yep. I think from here on it’s pretty much strong episodes all the way


Good epsiode and nice reaction. Also I just realised you guys titled the epsiode count wrong. Season 4 not 3. My OCD is in full effect.


Awesome reaction! I look forward to your reactions and commentary all week :) I love the way you break down and analyze each episode. Also you guys have this episode posted as 3X14 and you guys are on 4X14.

Jani Salminen

I don't really have a lot to say for this episode, i don't love it or hate it. You have now made it through what imo is the "rough patch" of this season. Some really good episodes in the future.

Jonathan Cassell

Greg loved your reaction to the siren🤣 was great and so looking forward to the next 2 episodes coming up and your thoughts on them😁


No trouble!! Appreciate you smoothing out the thing with the flowers. Looking back, it makes sense how that'd be an effective sorta red herring - Dean's already highly-suspect of the Doc, so it'd make sense he's willing to go off that. Thought that was a really cool twist with the siren as well, that's a great point. It's less sexual than it is about affection & contentment. I felt real bad for the both of them when things went truly sour toward the end and they started to have it out. They've really driven a valley of tension between them this season. Not to mention everything with Ruby. Which also makes a lot of sense - it's not even so much the demon stuff as it is her position in-between them. Everybody says we're over a hump for this season haha, crazy we're already 2/3s of the way thru! Will do our best to be patient with those questions 😝 As for the fan agreement stuff, it's mostly us being cheeky. Although I'm sure there is some residual self-consciousness just because we always want to be as sure as we can that y'all are still enjoying hangin' with us haha. We'll always present our honest feelings as they're hitting us at episodes' end, but I do appreciate the reassurance 🙌🏼 Also LOL to the red shirts. Maybe one'a these days some lucky soul will make it out of the prologue 😅


Aaahhhhh, okay... this actually does help haha. Scrubbing back through the footage, I think our minds must've filled in the earlier neon sign for the strip club 😅


Oh, yeah! And it was cool to come out of the last episode peering back into the strain they experienced as kids, then flash to now and see all that's come between them. You really do sympathize for both of them and, at least at this moment, I'm worries for them if they don't start talking about this shit 😅😰 Very much agree on the siren as well! More as a stand-in for the affection & contentment that's missing and that you desire.. Enjoyed Jim Parrack throughout this one, but especially in the hotel room at the end. The way his demeanor shifts and he's also kinda.. playful or.. sensual? I'm not sure the word haha, but he brought a lot of interesting colors to that character. Very cool episode!!


Yes haha, high-powered doctor folk aren't supposed to be out having fun!! I do feel bad for missing the Pub sign, though 😅although, I suppose stripper does suggest a party vibe as well... but nonetheless haha, this makes a bit more sense now. That's a great point re: the possession theme! And a very vivid image re: the mouth-urethra ejaculating into Sam's mouth 😅but a very apt description nevertheless. Violation and possession.. makes your skin crawl. Thanks as always for joining us on this li'l journey! Loving the show as well 😊


Likewise! Fun monster mystery AND some pretty heavy character context to boot! Loved the dovetail mislead/twist with the Agent and the Doctor. And yeah haha nice for Sam just to meet somebody who's really into him - and nice that she got to be just a character.


That's exciting to hear!! Seems like a lot of folks are excited for this stretch of the show. Lookin' forward to it!!!


Appreciate that, mate! And thanks for catching the typo there 😅your OCD is quite helpful in this regard. Just updated the title.. will see if we can update the thumbnail haha, but hopefully the title clears it up a little.


Aw thanks so much, that really means a lot!! Really glad you enjoy the breakdowns as well :) we have a lot of fun dishing on these afterwards. Appreciate the correction as well! I just updated it in the video title. Not totally sure about the thumbnail at the moment, but will try to update as well.


This is fair. Glad we'll be getting back to some more enjoyable territory for you this week!


Hahaha thanks man!!! Looking forward to what I hear is the "best part of the season" as well!


Sorry I'm late to the commenting party. Really good reaction to this episode. I also like this one, mostly for the character elements it brings out for our boys. I tend to take more seriously than some others what was said in the hotel room between Sam and Dean after they were both affected by the Siren. We have to remember that Sam has been hunting without Dean for 4 months. Just him, and I assume, Ruby. That had to have changed him. Then Dean, after being in Hell for 4 months, which was actually 40 years, comes back with that baggage. Dean doesn't know what Sam went through, and to him, he's likely expecting Sam to be the same Sam. But he's not. And Sam has likely gained a lot of confidence in those 4 months, and he's using some powers that have also helped him feel stronger it seems. So what Sam said in that hotel room to Dean meant a lot to me. I take it that it's pretty much how Sam really feels. The Siren didn't do anything but remove that inhibition from Sam, to swing his feelings more against Dean. But the seed was there. So it hurts to hear what he said about Dean, but I can understand it. He does worry that Dean came back from hell changed, and maybe lesser than he was before. But Dean doesn't see it that way, he just sees that his Sammy isn't there any more. Not the Sammy he knew when he left. And Sam will likely chaff at Dean's efforts to see him that way. Sorry for the diatribe!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:55:20 Haha noooo worries! Glad you enjoyed the reaction! 😊 and I think we'd both be with you on this one. Even if they boys have decided to bottle it up for now, it seems like a lot of significant feelings got aired out in that back & forth. Whether or not they claim to have meant it.. you can't un-hear that stuff. Feels like Sam & Dean have been through so much at this point, especially as of the last couple seasons, that they have to be irrevocably changed in a lot of ways. Both have had some sort of extreme, life-altering experience that the other probably wouldn't be able to fully understand.. and it's tragic in a way. No idea where the season is headed in terms of character stuff, but it seems like S&D are gonna have to have some things out if they're gonna continue. Either way, really enjoyed this episode as well! Especially after the flashback ep. last week, it's been nice to get these more character-focused episodes. I hear the next stretch is pretty terrific!
2020-01-28 18:22:00 Haha noooo worries! Glad you enjoyed the reaction! 😊 and I think we'd both be with you on this one. Even if they boys have decided to bottle it up for now, it seems like a lot of significant feelings got aired out in that back & forth. Whether or not they claim to have meant it.. you can't un-hear that stuff. Feels like Sam & Dean have been through so much at this point, especially as of the last couple seasons, that they have to be irrevocably changed in a lot of ways. Both have had some sort of extreme, life-altering experience that the other probably wouldn't be able to fully understand.. and it's tragic in a way. No idea where the season is headed in terms of character stuff, but it seems like S&D are gonna have to have some things out if they're gonna continue. Either way, really enjoyed this episode as well! Especially after the flashback ep. last week, it's been nice to get these more character-focused episodes. I hear the next stretch is pretty terrific!

Haha noooo worries! Glad you enjoyed the reaction! 😊 and I think we'd both be with you on this one. Even if they boys have decided to bottle it up for now, it seems like a lot of significant feelings got aired out in that back & forth. Whether or not they claim to have meant it.. you can't un-hear that stuff. Feels like Sam & Dean have been through so much at this point, especially as of the last couple seasons, that they have to be irrevocably changed in a lot of ways. Both have had some sort of extreme, life-altering experience that the other probably wouldn't be able to fully understand.. and it's tragic in a way. No idea where the season is headed in terms of character stuff, but it seems like S&D are gonna have to have some things out if they're gonna continue. Either way, really enjoyed this episode as well! Especially after the flashback ep. last week, it's been nice to get these more character-focused episodes. I hear the next stretch is pretty terrific!

Toasted Toad

Agree with Michele - the boys 100% meant what they said, although perhaps everything pushed to extremes by the siren, which is very sad. SPN never loses sight of characters, and in some of the best episodes, almost all the 'action' is in the character development and interaction, to the extent we don't necessarily realise that there has not been much in the way of physical derring do.


That’s one’a my very favorite kinds of action - when it’s just context flying back & forth between characters. And boy, are the boys building up that context 😅 Aaand yeah.. I’m just over here wondering when the whole “it was the siren talking” excuse is going to fall apart lol. Oof.


I really liked this episode. I thought the scene in the hotel room was VERY powerful— between the fight with the brothers and how the siren played his role—just very very well done.