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"Counterattack At The Gallows"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/387584378/187b6474f6

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT: 22min 33 seconds


Episode Synopsis:

Lelouch has two major problems: he must escape from Rolo, who intends to kill him, and he must find a way to save the imprisoned Black Knights!


CG 2x4 STREAM Counterattack At The Gallows



The Li Xingke character is an interesting one. Basically Li's motive is to do what's best for China and the empress he serves. The empress has not been introduced yet in the show but later on they will build on his relationship with the empress. How the Chinese Federation works is that the Empress is the head of a puppet government with Eunuchs holding actual power in the country. Li wants all power to be given to the empress thus he kills one of these "Eunuchs" in this episode. As you saw Li doesn't like the Black Knights but made a deal with CC for protection from Britannia, the Black Knights be his political tool.


Definitely bookmarking this comment for reference haha thanks for laying this all out mate!!!