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"One of Us"

Glad to see y'all on another fine S.H.I.E.L.D. Thursday!  This one's pretty gripping & features a couple special guest stars including Blair Underwood AND Rob Zombie regular Jeff Daniel Phillips!!  ...so, uh... trivia!  lol

Episode Synopsis: To destroy S.H.I.E.L.D., Cal gathers its enemies to form a team of supervillains...  meanwhile, May asks her therpaist ex-husband(?!?!?) to help Skye control her gift..


Previous Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episodes:


AoS 2x13


Christopher simeon

Great reaction as always. The “real” shield lol. I remember having the same face you did when I first heard that. You’ll get answers to your questions sooner rather then later. The thing about this show is they do give you pieces of different puzzles each episode and it all comes together in the end.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Would you believe that many people think this episode is one of the weaker ones? Good job catching the multiple levels of meaning in the title. We're at another point where almost all the pieces have entered the chess board and then true game can begin. Plot lines long forgotten, off hand phrases passed off as nothing, beliefs to be challenged, truths revealed. All the awesomeness awaits. Looking forward to it very much. I do want to say again how much I appreciate that you look for the storytelling, for the underlying messages, that you appreciate the craft and can see things from the perspectives of the characters without losing site of what we , as the fourth wall viewer, know to be the truth. (holy run on sentence Batman).

Steve Rivera

Finally caught up on the AoS reactions! I do remember people thinking this was one of the weaker episodes of the season, but I had a blast with it. Loved the therapy with Skye and Andrew and that side of things, and love Cal being up to his shenanigans. "Shield. The REAL Shield." 😄 some people find that reveal to be silly just because of how Mack says it, but yeah it truly is out of left field. And it certainly is a memorable moment. I don't know if you guys know Jimmy Macram, but pretty much EVERY episode after this one, his intro was like "It's time for Shield. The REAL Shield" 😂😂😂 And yeah Blair Underwood is great his chemistry with Ming Na was strong and it really brought out a side of May that even Fitz and Simmons were shocked about. It also appears he knows about Bahrain as he mentions it when saying goodbye to May, so it sucks he cuts Skye off when she asks the real reason why they call her The Calvary 🙄 they really like dangling stuff just out of reach in this series that's for sure 😆