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But what we need from you gals & guys is the same thing as every month :)

If you're new, then WELCOME!!!  And if you've been here for at least a month, you know the drill!  👍🏼


If you have a question you'd like us to do a video response to, leave your question in the comment box below :)



We'll take a few questions every week and make a PODCAST out of it. We'll make sure the description box has the list of questions AKA the TOPICS you have chosen for us. Hopefully this ends up more rewarding for all of us!

Submit your questions now!!!



Katie Anne

Which character has the best redemption story arc?

Steve Rivera

Who is sexier John or Greg? I'm kinda new so apologies if this has been asked before LOL

Elle B.

I think you’ve had this question about characters in general, but are there specifically any female characters you personally identify with? Can be animated or live-action.

David Gandy

How do you think the film industry (or the entire entertainment industry for that matter) should respond to covid-19? Should they delay release dates of movies such as "No time to Die"? Since Disney is hoping for a large Chines box office for "Mulan" do you think it might be wise to push it back as the Chines may not want to be going to public gathering places at this time? How about concerts or live theater?

Adelia Chamberlain

Are video game stories better fit for movies or television? If it's television, do you think this is why (most) video game movies haven't worked?


Who is your favorite composer (film or tv) and if they wrote the soundtrack for your life, what track of their's would be your theme song?

Jonathan Cassell

Good day guys btw Cassell is (Castle) k hope this isn't to long guys. I've always wondered what your opinion/s was on this What was your Honest thoughts on Hitman (2007) and Prince of Persia (2010) and we all know VG movie are (apparently) hard to do but I liked these just wanted to hear your side on these ones. Thanks😆 PS: what VG universe would you want to be in....🤔 Doom, Halo, Jak etc...... Me: Ratchet and Clank😁

Ryan H

Since the current season of My Hero Academia is almost over will you be doing another anime series in it's time slot?


Favorite Denis Villeneuve film? And why is it Sicario

Toasted Toad

If there is a classic original (I don’t mean something like Casablanca, I mean things like Raiders, Pirates of the Caribbean, Matrix), do you think that having rubbish cash-in follow ups can sour your enjoyment of the first film? Or do you think it becomes even better in your eyes as you see how easy it is to make crud from the same material?


How often do you guys find yourselves buying into some new popular show, movie or whatever just because it’s the next “you’ve got to watch this” thing and not necessarily because you’re actually into it, but more of you don’t want to seem out of the loop?

Mimi M

David Schwimmer recently got in trouble for saying “Maybe there should be an all-black Friends or an all-Asian Friends,”. People pointed out to him that there was a show before friends called Living single that is very similar to Friends . So i recently started binge watching living single. It's pretty good. Have either of you ever seen living single? and what do you think about what he said.

Mimi M

he also said “But I was well aware of the lack of diversity and I campaigned for years to have Ross date women of colour. One of the first girlfriends I had on the show was an Asian American woman, and later I dated African American women. That was a very conscious push on my part." I did not know the push for a more diverse cast came from him.

Jani Salminen

What are some of your favorite sitcoms? My all-time personal favorite is The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Eric Horstman

Always late with these, my bad. What’s your take on Actors/Musicians involved in nasty ass cults that call themselves “religion” (for the tax breaks) like Scientology (horrible, horrible people!), and still continue to support them in their careers? Ex. John Revolting, Kirstie Alley, Elizabeth Moss and number one chair-jumping freak Tom Cruise. Not meaning to offend (I usually do lol) sorry not sorry and for any Scientologist get a brain and stop worshipping a fantasy writer and an “alien” called Xenu and making people mortgage their house to reach the freakin top levels of this stupid ass dictatorship and stop calling people who leave the “church” Suppressive Persons and make their families disown them and support rapists and abusers you fuckwads! I have no filter lol

David Gandy

Well, a lot happens in a week...plus you answered this in a YT post. Alternate question: What are your favorite opening title sequences? How do you think opening title sequences effect the films as a whole?