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"Reply x From X Dad"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/400804453/8c99509129

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT:  23min 44seconds


Episode Synopsis:

Gon & Killua play the rest of Ging's tape which leads them to try & hunt down a video game worth billions of dollars!!!




Hunter X Hunter 2x12 Reply x From X Dad WATCH ALONG



Yeah I felt the same way about Ging being an asshole. But It makes sense because we know Gon is not the type of person to give up even though it would have been nice to at least have a debate about it. Just to let you guys know that the show from here on out is based on story/character arcs. While it does still follow the main plot line of finding Ging the way the show navigates is similar to "The Walking Dead" with new character introductions etc. But don't worry you will see plenty of Gon and Killua later on.


Oh good haha, glad we're not the only ones feeling that way 😅 And Gon is, understandably by now, unflappable - but yes, I think just some kind of debate, even a short one, would've been nice, dramatically. But that's good to know! I think we're still getting the hang of the full scope of the show's storytelling style (especially since the recent nen plotline felt a lot more action/information-oriented). Excited to see what other colorful characters Gon & Killua encounter along the way!!

Ryan H

So do you guys get the title of the series yet? (hint: dont say the x)

Sin Parks

Yeah, no, you’re on the right track. Ging’s kind of a dick. Makes sense that a wandering adventurer would make a shitty dad — but it takes a while for anyone to call him out on it in the show. I wish they’d dwell on it a little more. But I don’t think Gon was ever in the market for a father figure so much as understanding what made Ging leave. I’m in a small minority that likes the Greed Island plot line, but it’s totally fair if you guys don’t. It gets a little crunchy with mechanics. You’re in for a treat with the Yorknew arc, though. Looking forward to it!


You’re right, Ging’s a dick. 😅 It’ll be interesting to see your perspective as you learn more about him but yeah... still a dick.


Ging is a pretty shitty dad . I get your issues with this specific episode and I am not trying to downplay them, I just think we known how Gon is since the beginning . In first ep Mito said that his dad abandonded him because he wanted to become a hunter . And thats what motivated Gon to do hunter exam and to know why his dad is the way he is . In a way he has this idealistic view of his dad, despite actual facts telling otherwise lol . Gon has a sorta unhealthy relationship (or lack of it) with his dad, but his whole mindset how applies to near everyone around him. As for why there werent any discussion , I would have liked it too, but I am not sure Killua is confident enough to talk about relatioships liike this , more times than not, he just following Gon's lead to wherever and tries ta keep him alive , lol. Like I said , your issues are justifiable .But me personally , the ep did not do much outsie of settting up future plans and tying some stuff together. His dads characterization is one of the more traditional things in the genre. deadbeat dads are super common in shounen. I also think having fully selfish parent who admits is selfish , yet the kid still tries to seek him out no matter what is an entertaining trope . lol The way Gon reacts to his dad and especially when the info comes out about his mom and he stops the tape , its shows something about Gons psyche . Honestly I was more annoyed that he just did not want to hear about his mom and while his reasoning makes sesne , its still kinda seems weird .


Is it something to do with Gon and Ging? Is the white, right-side up Hunter text Gon's unflappable purity and the inverted one Ging's dickishness? ..or am I reaching here? 😅


Haha well that's good, glad we're not crazy lol. I can see why Gon might not dwell on it, given his personality, but I'm surprised even Killua didn't have some sort of matter-of-fact remark about it at the very least. Interesting! Seems like this show leaves room for a good amount variance between people's taste in arcs haha. Curious about Greed, but Yorknew sounds especially fun. Will be nice to (theoretically) get the team back together!


Hahaha, dicks can still have nuance 😂but still, I'm glad we're not off in that assessment.


Hahaha interesting! I guess Soichiro Yagami was an exception.. thinking back now, I can certainly remember a fair amount of my anime experiences involving mother figures a lot more than fathers. Ed and Al had somewhat of a deadbeat dad as well.. I'm beginning to see the trope lol. As for the behaviors, I can see what you're saying. Especially with Gon - doesn't seem like the type to be flapped by that sort of info. As for Killua.. I feel like he'd have some matter of fact thing to say on the subject, but then again you're right, this isn't really an area of confidence for him. I'll see if on the next one I can look at it more through that scope. I can see what's inherently amusing about a kid enthusiastically in search of a parent who clearly doesn't care much to meet them lol. The fact that he doesn't give a single shit to hear about his real mom, though... I was also a bit like, "..seriosusly?" especially as it comes AFTER the whole "I don't wanna meet you" part lol. That Gon's an interesting cat. 😅 Either way, still curious though, haha. Looking forward to what's to come in Yorknew City and potentially getting the team back together.


I should mention that the in-universe money the show uses is based on Yen, which are about 1/100th the value of the dollar. So 5.8 billion translates to about 58 million US dollars.

Cody Enos

I really hope we never find out about Gon's mother. He sums it up pretty well that Aunt Mito was there for him and she's his mother now.