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"Sympathy For The Devil"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/401474793/fd8e054161

Review After Reactions BEGINS AT: 42 Min & 04 Seconds


Episode Synopsis:

Lucifer preys on his potential vessel as Sam & Dean work with Bobby to try and figure out how they can save the world! Meanwhile, Zachariah continues his best to manipulate Dean with Cass supposedly dead...


Links To All Seasons SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 5x1 Sympathy For The Devil


Megan McElveen

Late to the party, but I believe the reason why angels need a human to say yes is because when God created all of us, he gave us free will. So, we have to make the choice for an angel to take over our body.

Laura Moore

“Loving God too much” ...the show will eventually show you what it meant. My favorite Meg actress of the show and my favorite Lucifer portrayal in television...even as an actual fan of the show “Lucifer” Mark Pelligrino is fantastic in all his roles!!

Toasted Toad

Yep, the Lucifer explanation will come. In fact, lots of fun stuff to come! Expect as wide a variety as Season 4 gave you. (Sorry, this is generic comment - haven’t had time to watch your reaction yet!)


Mark Pelligrino!! That’s his name haha, I know I’ve seen him a few other places, I’m just trying to place it now haha. Really liked this Meg - and favorite Lucifer portrayal, damn! Dunno quite what to expect from the show’s take, but very much excited!!!


Haha no worries! Appreciate the reassurance either way 😝 looking forward to it! And hope ya like this one once you’ve gotten to watch!!!

Kristin Dorner

Season 5 WOOT! It’s in my top 3 in terms of overall season arcs❤️ I can’t comment on much because it’s way too early to be able to talk about things without spoiling stuff. However, there is one thing I can say that is spoiler free because I don’t think they ever actually go into detail about this. When you were asking about the difference between the demons not having to get permission to possess vessels VS the devil and angels needing it: when God created humans, he gave them free will. So any creature of Heaven (including Lucifer, since he’s an angel) has to get permission to possess a vessel. Demons stared out human and Lucifer twisted them up to be “evil”, so they don’t have to get permission to possess someone. So so SOOOO much to delve into this season. So excited for you guys to experience it!

Laura Moore

Oh hell yeah! Have a device besides my phone for the first time in a year! Can finally watch the stream-alongs! Don’t know if I’ll have time to every week, but we about to get some popcorn in here!

Janet Shearer

Lots of exciting things in this season. I agree that it’s one of the best seasons. You also may know Mark Pelligrino from “Lost” and “Being Human.” If you want to do another episode during the long boring week, we won’t complain. *winky face*

Steve Rivera

Oh yeaaaahh my favorite season 😎 4 MIGHT be objectively better I'm not sure, but the hype levels I felt for 5 back when it was airing live are unmatched so I don't know how much my bias is affecting me here. Either way, 4 and 5 are amazing. I almost want to say why Lucifer says he loved God too much since it's common knowledge in the religion I grew up with (Jehovah Witness, I'm no longer one but I grew up with it), but I guess I'll let it play out. I assume it's common knowledge in a lot of other Christian religions too. I do not believe it's spoilery to say it's not really a huge story beat, just a part of the character that is essential to undersatand his perspective. We're only a couple months away from my favorite episode of Supernatural 👀 and definitely a fan favorite. But we gotta wait a bit. Plenty of great episodes in between then.

Jani Salminen

Here we go, my favorite season. Really solid episode with some cool callbacks to the earlier seasons with Meg's reappearance and the Colt being mentioned at the end there by Sam. You probably also know Nick's actor as Jacob in "Lost". The next episode is a really good one. Definitely some fan favorites this season.

Jonathan Cassell

Enjoyed the reaction fellas especially the Bobby part more or less felt the same when I first saw this ep now more good episodes to come but 5/10 can't come soon enough lol looking forward to next Saturday🤣

Reggie B

Fun disclaimers that i havent looked at any of the other comments atm, and that these are all my own interpretations of the characters. Lets begin!! 1. so... you know how you guys thought sam struggled w guilt before this? Jared has S tier puppy dog eyes in this episode when “bobby” is essentially disowning him. it never fails to break my heart, like, damn. Hes so quiet and you can see his breathing speeds up, he just shuts his mouth and nods and accepts everything hes told cuz he thinks he deserves it. (im not crazy abt how dean doesnt step in here, but its a complicated situation so) 2. i really really love how lucifer straight up says “i dont lie. I dont need to.” like wow, yeah that makes perfect sense to me, of course the devil wouldnt need to lie to manipulate people, he just twists how you view things i guess. 3. it kind of amazes me how, by this point, the show got the audience to care about their bond as brothers SO fucking much that the idea of sam and dean being at odds, or of losing that bond, is almost a greater threat than satan himself lol. it makes me wonder when exactly the ground work for this relationship was laid, seasons 1 and 2 i guess? we didnt even know it was happening but by god do we care about these two getting along lol 4. I recognized the man playing nick as one of the cops in 13 reasons why!! Tbh i was watching a video making fun of the shows 3rd season and was like “wait lucifer is in this show?” 5. I think the last time we saw meg was when she was exorcised from sam, way back in season 2?? Thats crazy lol. And lets give it up to the actress (rachel miner!) for impressing greg so much in such a short scene Also would u want recommendations for good fanfic or bad fanfic? And, in this hypothetical situation, are you solely in the market for wincest lol Ok so ty for reading my wall of text and see you next time!!


Another crackin' good Reaction. Nice to know that Jensen still has that magic that can make Greg shed a tear. This episode may not have been action packed, but it packed a couple punches to the heart. Poor Bobby! So awesome that he was able to overpower the demon enough to keep it from killing Dean, but did he have to knife himself so bad? At least he's not dead. That would have been the worst thing to happen at this point, for the boys. I feel for Sam, and for Dean. I can understand Dean being unable to accept Sam's apology. It's sad though. Dean was hurt by what Sam did, but he's also feeling upset at himself for not being able to stop it. But he did try. Now we can see that Dean and Bobby were right all along. But that doesn't do much good right now, does it. Dean had been pushing everything down for months, so I guess he can't anymore. I do admit to feeling a bit pissed at Sam too, when I first saw it. And at Zach. mostly at Zachariah. And a bit at Cas too. Cas finally helped Dean though. But it was too late. So everyone is hurting right now. My frustration with Sam was helped by my belief that Sam's actions were influenced by the demon blood. He may have had those feelings, but I think the demon blood did something to him and affected how he thought about what he was doing. sigh