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Happy August, Patron-O-Jects!!

We're back in action for another month of this crazy-ass year lol.  And another month means another fresh batch of Q&A Podcasts!!!

Time Codes for each question are listed below.  And if you haven't had a chance to ask yet this month, follow this link https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-2020-q-40056665, leave your question in the comments & when we click the little heart, you'll know your Q/A has been shot!!!  :)


ELLE B.  (0:37)  --  What’s the first thing you’re gonna do when (or if) we ever get through this pandemic and social distancing is lifted? 

FLEV DORIN  (11:30)  --  Hi guys! I like more TV shows than movies, and my top criteria to decide if I watch or continue a show is interesting characters, characters that makes you follow their journey even if the roads (storylines) are muddy. For example, some of my fav characters are: Ragnar (Vikings) - a goat farmer who becomes the King of Norway; Kikyo (anime Inuyasha) - a undead priestess who's forced to walk on the Earth again; and Klaus (Vampire Diaries/The Originals) - a 1000yo half werewolf-half vampire...all of whom have really intriguing backstories more than my short 'funny' summary. What are your criterias for continuing watching? And what are you looking for in a TV character? 

BRADLEY BLEDSOE  (22:32)  --  What are you guys looking forward to in Bill and Ted: Face the Music? :)


LINK TO ALL AUGUST 2020 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=August%202020%20Q%26A%20Podcast


Q&A August 2020 1


Elle B.

The first thing I’m doing? Traveling! There are so many friends and family I was planning to visit months ago. I also haven’t seen my mom since this all started. She lives about an hour drive from me, but she has a weak immune system and respiratory issues so she’s at a huge risk. I’m like you at first I was doing fine with quarantine but now I’m just over it. Lol

Flev Dorin

Just FYI, if there are some Vikings fans here, I know that Ragnar wasn't THE King of Norway, just the King of Kattegat which is a part of Norway, I just tried to quickly describe him, "King of Norway" sounded better than "King of Kattegat, a island that is part of Norway"😝, but he became a legend so it's almost the same thing.😝

Bradley Bledsoe (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:39:06 I’m excited to see Bill and Ted again and have a good time *air guitar*! I too worry about Keanu trying to get back into being Ted, but seeing them on screen again is gonna make me so happy as I grew up with them!
2021-07-15 04:39:06 I’m excited to see Bill and Ted again and have a good time *air guitar*! I too worry about Keanu trying to get back into being Ted, but seeing them on screen again is gonna make me so happy as I grew up with them!
2020-08-06 21:22:04 I’m excited to see Bill and Ted again and have a good time *air guitar*! I too worry about Keanu trying to get back into being Ted, but seeing them on screen again is gonna make me so happy as I grew up with them!

I’m excited to see Bill and Ted again and have a good time *air guitar*! I too worry about Keanu trying to get back into being Ted, but seeing them on screen again is gonna make me so happy as I grew up with them!


Oooh, good call!!! We were supposed to go to a wedding back in June, travel a little for that, but alas... Nope 😅 I'm sorry you haven't gotten to see your mom any! Is there any way you all might be able to get together before the year's out?? Miss getting out for sure, but it has been nice to have a guest or two in to mix things up, see a fresh (heavily-disinfected) face lol. But yeah, I've had the wanderlust for a while now and this situation isn't helping any lol


Hahaha understandable choice, but I appreciate the clarification all the same. I think we've been sent at least a couple Ragnar clips in the past (when we used to do the Patron Video Requests) which were pretty badass. Nice to have a little added historical context to go along with it! 😝


Haha I couldn't agree more! Plus now it looks like we get it an extra week early, so that's pretty exciting. Hoping for a most EXCELLENT followup!!!