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"Exile on Main St."  -  VERY curious to hear y'all's thoughts on this one haha.

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/445659753/06eddffbbb

Review BEGINS At:  42 mins & 39 seconds

Episode Synopsis: Mysteriously freed from hell, Sam finds Dean and tells him he needs to rejoin the fight... among other things..  good times!


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So I will definitely say this episode is a lot better the second time on, thanks to fuller context. But the pilot and sequel feeling is definitely apt. In fact I personally think if this was split into two episodes it would’ve worked better. Part one being Dean adjusting time normal life with flash backs of the year he’s had, only to get pulled into a possible case and basically end it with yellow eyes and Sam showing up to save him. I imagine the reason this wasn’t done and it was crammed together is this episode probably does actually want to be a pilot as well as a sequel in terms of getting new viewers in and really showing that this team has more ideas than just bringing Sam back. Honestly, I personally think there is a level of difficulty caused by Kripke wanting to do his full five season arc as big as he could. He killed off all those other deities with Lucifer to make his main villain seem like the end all be all, and that really limits the show from fully breaking away from the Christian mythology for anything more than a monster of the week. And Lucifer being the big bad of that mythology means finding something bigger and or better is a major challenge. This season and the next I think try to do that, and it’s the biggest thing that drags them down for a lot of people. But, it’s the little things that really work for them, which is why I think this season in particular has a number of people’s favorite episode. Eventually this show will evolve yet again and enter a smaller in power, grander in scope approach that I think serves way better. So yeah, basically, having context, I like this episode more. It’s still messy in execution, but the ideas at play are interesting. There are answers to most of the questions y’all have. Whether you’ll like the answers will depend on you, but personally they make sense to me and one answer in particular I find to be a really fascinating concept. It’ll be really interesting seeing how y’all think back on all these seasons in 2045 when you finally finish the show, if you finish the show. Looking forward to the next one!

Janet Shearer

I believe Grandpa said that he had somebody on the house. Basically a “red shirt” that wasn’t blood family. Your instincts are good. Their hug told me a lot. Like Grant above said, context helps.

Melanie LeBlanc

What to say about this episode? That's the question isn't it. I agree that Jensen carried a lot of it and that I wish we could have had a little more domestic with PTSD Dean. I mean, he was supposed to be there for a year, and we hardly got to feel the weight of it. Oh, yay, the Campbell's have arrived. I remember when I first watched this, thinking "I haven't got to see Cas yet, why am I watching these people I don't care about? And why are they making it so hard to like them?" You're right about this feeling like a pilot (even though the original pilot was better), but I'm so happy you both are willing to wait and see where this goes. It's the end of the Kripke era, and they may stumble at first, but damn do they regain their stride. I mean, they wouldn't have nine more seasons after this if they didn't.


All I'll say is a) I hate Lisa and Ben and the domestic Dean storyline with a passion and b) it gets better. I think season 6 is a little underrated and season 7 is very underrated. Are there problems with both seasons? Yes, but there are some fantastic episodes too.

Jani Salminen

This episode is definitely better when you understand more of what's going on (duh). I think this season is great and i believe that you guys will enjoy it.


YOU GUYS! Lol everything I want to say actually has to wait a few weeks so I don’t ruin anything, but I’m glad you’re sticking around to see where this goes!! I will say that I LOVE Lisa. I think that puts me in the minority though lol Also I enjoy this season and season 7 is actually one of my favorites, though they both got a lukewarm reception in fandom I think. I also know that Kripke had stepped down as show runner, but at this point was still pretty involved and actually wrote this season’s finale. Fun fact!


I like the Dean/Lisa/Ben family, so I love your suggestion that this episode would have benefitted by more scenes that help bring you further into what that life was like for them. Splitting it into two episodes would have been great. And as you said, things felt a little “off.” Give it time, hopefully you will enjoy. I find that like usual there are a handful of episodes this season that I don’t like but overall the episodes are entertaining. As Grant Guerra commented, it’s kinda hard to follow the epic Kripke storyline where they beat Lucifer and the Apocalypse, so don’t expect that level of grandness and just enjoy things as they come.

Steve Rivera

It sucks I didn't participate on the qna series review thing. I expected somebody to ask if you guys would've been ok with the series ending with Sam stuck in the cage. It isn't death, so it would be a far more tragic ending than most shows. Although Sam redeemed himself, he really drained a nurse who was possessed by a demon on the season 4 finale, and of course made some HUGE mistakes along the way. As for this episode, I would say your feeling are valid? For one thing, I love Lisa and I think there's a lot there that is unspoken. For one thing, he saved Ben's life, and of course then saved the world. From their conversation, it's clear it wasn't a perfect relationship. Dean wasn't good for a while. But it's been a year. This isn't the beginning of a relationship. They clearly are now comfortable with each other and have their patterns. I think Lisa just knows it's best to let Dean follow up on suspicions as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Dean, by nature, is a worrier, even before Lisa so I think she just knows it's part of how he is. As for production, yeah it feels super different. The one thing I noticed right away, and I think it's what Greg was trying to hone in on but couldn't quite get it, was saturation. SPN has always had a very gray saturation. They actually kinda break the fourth wall about it in the season 4 episode with Dean and Sam being regular employees at that company. When Zacharia touches Dean's head, the colorful saturation goes back to the brooding gray that is the usual look of the show. They definitely took off thay filter for the new era and although it's striking at first, I think it was the right call. It's a new direction after all. As for Sam, the way I looked at it when I first saw this episode was that Hell changes people. Dean came back more broken, and Sam is usually shown to react to things Dean experiences in almost opposite ways. So the way I saw it was that he came out with a sharper edge to him.

Jason Usher

I loved this episode, I think having more of Deans domestic life would have hurt the episode because it would have been just boring watching him live a normalish life, they showed him with his friend and that’s enough for me, anyway can’t wait for the upcoming reactions