JUNE 2021 Q&A #1! Friends Reunion, Reactions We Disliked, Marvel Shows & MORE! (Patreon)
Halfway through 2021!! As always, want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for being here & for sharing your questions! Time Stamps for each Question are listed below!
INTRO - (0:00)
GENE GETER (1:37) -- Halloween is obviously some months away, but every time I see a Dr. Strange photo, I can't help but think how great that costume would look on John lol. So John, would you consider being Strange this Halloween if by chance, a great costume party doctors your way? Thanks again.
HENRY FROM NORCAL (3:31) -- Hey guys, been a "Patreon-o-ject" for a couple months and really enjoying your channel. Money well spent, truly. Ok, I've seen enough reactions that I know you'll be pretty frank whether or not you enjoyed whatever you were reacting to. Question, have you ever really disliked what you were reacting to, I mean not like it at all (even worse than "Vampires of Venice"), particularly with a popular film or series? And if so, did you get allot of slack about it in comments? And if you need another question, a quick rehash (again) of how Greg and John met. Thanks guys and do take care.
CHASE GARDNER (20:47) -- For future marvel projects what character do you guys think need a spin-off show on Disney+with there tv show style formula? That a past marvel character was liked but did not get enough screen time in the marvel films?
CHRIS BUSTIN (28:17) -- Hey guys, please geek out with me about Cobra Kai: Season 4. What would you like to see happen? What kind of shenanigans will John Kreese and Terry Silver be invoked in against Miyagi-Do? Thanks guy, and keep up the great content!
ELLE B. (37:14) -- What’s a movie you’ve seen that was difficult to sit through, but wasn’t overtly violent or gory?
CRUZ RIVERA (44:20) -- What did you guys think of the Friends reunion? I watched your brother Jaby’s review on it and I agree with most of what he was saying, about how it didn’t need to be all fancy with the random celebrities and there should’ve been more moments alone with the cast members only. And James Corden was not a great choice, Conan would’ve been a better fit.
LINK TO ALL JUNE 2021 Q&A POSTS: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Q%26A%20June%202021