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"Endgame "

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/663117005/d65562791e


Legend Of Korra Reactions:

SEASON 1: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=The%20Legend%20Of%20Korra



Korra Finale S1 Watch Along


Robert English

If I had to choose to watch only one season of the Avatar universe, it would be TLOK season 1. It has a complete journey with a beginning, middle, and end. It was meant to be an isolated story because Nickelodeon was hesitant to commit. I still think it’s terrific and always enjoy watching it.

Chase Gardner

i think i cried the first time i saw this episode. this season had a really good story arc for korra.

Lorenzo Baxter

People do complain about season 2, and yes it's not a perfect season, but now you know why. I know it was rushed with Korra getting her bending back. But if they had more time, I think they would have her still be an airbender. But the subtext of Korra just before Aang shows up is brilliant writing. The shot of her tear to me is very insinuating. I think she was considering committing suicide right there, because she truly felt her identity was in her bending. And without it, she didn't think she was the avatar anymore. So I think she wanted to let the cycle move forward to someone better equipped to protect the world. Thats super dark but very realistic for someone who just lost everything. I can't wait for season 2 though!


So I think this was supposed to be a one off season but then Nickelodeon asked them for another season which would explain the weak ending. I think my favourite thing about Korra Book 1 was the nostalgia and seeing the evolution of things from Avatar so I’m on the same boat in feeling that Korra just compliments the first series. OMG can’t wait for S2 reactions 😂 and the movie review 🤣 … All I’m saying is please commit to S3 like beforehand 😬.

Rime Pendragon

The greatest problem of Legend of Korra are the short seasons. Nickelodeon really should have given each season 5-6 more episodes.

Heru Muharrar

S3 > S4 > S1 > S2.


I'm glad you guys aren't afraid to voice your feelings and disappointments with Korra. As a fan, I hope you pull through till the end of the show because it is very much worth it, and all I have to say about season 2 is that it's gonna get worse before it gets better.

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

Can’t wait for y’all to hate watch The Last Airbender. I knii oh w the reaction is going to be hilarious

Zach Woodbury

Personally, after watching 4 seasons of Korra I definitely like it a lot more than ATLA. People pretend like ATLA is the absolute most perfect golden show and there's nothing wrong with it whatsoever. 80% of the criticisms people give on Korra are extremely prevalent throughout ATLA.. Such as past the Avatars making everything "convenient" for Aang. It feels like many people ignore any nuance to the show because they are looking to hate it