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Hey Patrons!

Firstly, a hearty welcome to all the newcomers! We got a lot of new subscribers after the most recent blog post, thank you so much for your support!

Next, there’s a new Patreon Poll! 

Also, I’m going to be sending out a message shortly asking folks to add their mailing address to their membership, if they haven’t already. Before I can get those loyalty reward pins made I need to figure out what size of order I should be making.

For the rest of this weekly, I’ve got implementation/design progress on the bosses challenge and tier 4 talents!

Boss Progress

For the badder bosses challenge, Goo and Tengu have been implemented, and I’m going to try to get DM-300 and DK done this week. Here’s where we’re at for each boss right now:

  • Goo now has a bit more health, heals a stacking amount each turn it is in water, and pumps up in 1 turn instead of 2! I’ve made tweaks to the pump up attack to make it easier to use the environment to evade it.
  • Tengu’s abilities are getting substantially buffed to be both harder to avoid and to deal more damage. I’m also experimenting with having shockers and smoke bombs block projectiles, but I haven’t locked that in yet.
  • For DM-300 I’m making the fight last for three pylons instead of two. DM’s chasing mechanic is also getting a lot harsher (use those tunnels!), which will make things even more tense when you’re at the third pylon and the environment is mostly dug out.
  • For Dwarf King I’m primarily looking to increase the frequency of monks/warlocks, and possibly add golems! I’m a bit worried that Golems might feel really cheap here though, so I plan to test this one thoroughly before deciding on it.
  • For Yog the main change is going to be spawning two fists at once! There’ll be some RNG behind the scenes to ensure you don’t fight fists from the same set at the same time, but otherwise be prepared for a lot of chaos! I’m also going to experiment with harsher lasers and summons from Yog, and more stats on the fists themselves.

Armor Ability and T4 Talent Progress

Firstly, I’ve implemented the structure for how these armor abilities and talents with work. Wearing the dwarf king’s crown now presents you with a few different armor ability options, which you must choose from before your armor gets enhanced:

As for the abilities themselves, I’m moving fully into implementing them this week, but here’s two more ideas I’m feeling pretty good about, both focusing on minions:

  • The Rogue might get a Shadow Cloneability, that allows him to make a copy of himself which can be directed with the armor. This clone could be useful for distraction or dealing extra damage.
  • The Huntress might get a Spirit Familiar ability, which lets her summon and control a spirit animal. This power might be more useful for scouting or utility, but there might be some potential for it to debuff enemies as well.


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