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Hey Patrons! Afraid I’m still with my parents helping my dad, but things have improved quite a bit and I’m hopeful I’ll be able to get back to Shattered in another few days. In the meantime, this week I’m going to share a summary of what I have planned for v2.4.0.

There’s also a new Shattered Secrets this week! In this Shattered Secrets I’m sharing some thoughts I have for potential broad changes to Duelist weapon abilities.

Lastly, there’ll also be an audio Q&A next week! You can ask questions here or in the Patreon discord.

V2.4 Overview

Here are the items I have for v2.4. I want to try to keep this update fairly lightweight outside of trinkets and alchemy, especially given the time I’ve lost in February.

  • Of course, the big headline update will be Trinkets. I’ll probably dedicate next weekly to covering them in more details, especially now that I’m getting their design pinned down.
  • Along with trinkets, I’d also like to make some general changes to the alchemy system. This includes removing catalysts, balance changes, and some improvements to the UI.
  • Lastly gameplay-wise, I’m looking to make some hero balance and design tweaks as well. I talk about the biggest part of this in this month’s Shattered Secrets, but I’m also considering changes to some T1 talents, and maybe some adjustments to the Warrior.
  • In terms of UI/UX, I’d also like to make some improvements to supporter benefits. This would include support for custom notes in the journal, probably better epitaph functionality, and maybe some other small things as well.
  • More holiday items are also coming in v2.4, and compared to all the other points, this one’s already finished!
  • And lastly there’ll be the usual assortment of smaller fixes and adjustments. In particular I may run a content poll in March to decide on another little thing to add in v2.4.


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