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The sketches of the month in progress :) Some interesting situation there !  if you were wondering there is actually a sense to lea resting here XP




Ohh, that Crisis+Lea picture is super-cute! If I can take a guess as to the sense behind it... 1. soft pillows 2. easy and quick hiding if another predator pops up! edit: curious about that top-left picture in particular though! It looks like... some kind of exploration going on, rather than people getting eaten? Is there more backstory to look forward to on that one?


Lea and crisis are adorable.


Now there is Mario game I wanna try I always love when you draw p**sy/p**sy vore related


Crisis and Lea one is just to cute!!! X333333


thanks m8. it's looking good so far


Bowsette!!! <3


So what's the context of the first sketch in the top left ? Mass Vore with women only seems highly interesting :-) but who's the predator ?


They are all so great


I'm in love with that first sketch on the top left! Your improving a lot with your throat anatomy! I wouldn't mind seeing who is the pred for that one :3


Bowsette and Mario picture is truly awesome.

Jenny Secret

Awwww Mario and Bowsette is cute..... and hot :3


yes it's more of a game and a dare but that could go both way :P


Glad you like it, I'm having a blast with that atmosphere with the fiery glow and all XP


The predator is a hell hound girl, and she's playing a "game" with some co-workers :D


Lea seems to shrink smaller with every picture. Or Crisis is growing bigger. Either way is fine. And it's cute. Lea gets squishy pillows and Crisis gets to kiss her friend for a long time.


You are right I drew her too small here,I noticed it right after posting. I'll definitely change that ^^

Kuja Kuzi

Not sure who s mouth that is top left but sure looks like a interesting view . I like it the most out of these 4. Cant wait to see em all finished though =)


Awww, the Crisis/Lea one is so sweet! Those two are just the cutest together! :D Aaaaand . . . that top left one! Goodness! Incredibly striking, and definitely one heck of a mouthful! :3