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Well the results are in !  the picture that will be redone will be " You are under arrest" :)

Yeah The giant elven police-woman won by a comfortable margin XP  

Actually, the more I was thinking about it the more I'm excited by the idea of redoing that picture , I think it's the one I would have picked as well ^^  The base idea is just fun and there is room to make so much more compared to the original one.  

Also this month will be Elorie month ;3



Can we see inside the "jail cell" this time? 🙂


So exciting! It was one of the first pieces that introduced me to your work years ago.


Can't wait for more Elorie goodness and the remake of that giant police officer elve girl picture ^^ . Say will this also include an updated version of Melany mouthplay ? If yes then we truly have a HOT summer start ahead of us :D .


Sounds great! I'm most certainly looking forward to seeing what you do with that one! ;3