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You know, I'm gonna say it! I think The Joker is kinda right in this case for once... She's really turning into a cute pussy cat! :D

Alright, everybody, here we go! Look at that now...! Yep, yep, that's right, you're seeing this right, we're getting two updates of "The 'Kitty' Joke" TWO days in a row...! Now that's something beautiful, or you know, we could better say 'bootyful' for this page in particular... Alright so, here we have the finished version of the seventh page of this sexy transformation comic! And as we can see, we have finally been able to see what was hidden under that strange bulge on top of Catwoman's butt from the third page... It must have been very hard to have tried to hide that, Catwoman, I'm sure it must have felt... Liberating, in a way! Oh, right, and I mentioned yesterday that we could improve the third panel by adding some more traces of her suit flying around, but I dunno... I kinda like how it looks as it is right now! I hope you like it as well!

Now that the face has started to change, the ears are already in shape, her legs are changing as well, and her tail has finally burst out... We'll have to start seeing some cute fur! ;3




Almost there <3