[PINUP] Zota's Collection~ (TF VER) (Patreon)
Look at this beautiful scene, a werewolf and a werebunny working together! Now that's wholesome, right...? ;3
Alright, here we go, ladies and gentlemen! So, how're you doing, my friend...? Are you enjoying this new sexy year? How's 2024 so far, how's it going...? I see, I see, well...! It looks like Sungura and Kin have started this year trying to put some order among all this pile of series, projects, comics, sequences and stories that we have here...! And hey, I'd say that they're doing a great job so far! Look how cute they look now fully colored, shaded and with all those juicy and shiny details, it really makes all the shapes pop...! It's really a pleasure to work on things with a company like this ;D
Oh, and yeah! Last time we got to see a non-TF sketch version of this scene, both Kin and Sun were just on their 'hooman' form, but you know, I just thought that it'd more fun if we added some spice into this! I hope you like this new version...!
Now... Let's check some sweet COLLECTIONS, everybody! Let's see how it's looking so far! ;)
- Aerith Gainsborugh (21 POSTS)
Sketch, WIP and Finished content of Aerith Gainsborough's PINUP TF SERIES, including "Aerith's Secret" / - V (28 POSTS)
Sketch, WIP and Finished content of V's PINUP TF SERIES, including "EXOTIC V Cyberpuss" / - Jill Valentine (27 POSTS)
Sketch, WIP and Finished content of Jill Valentine's PINUP TF SERIES, including "Jill's Infection" / - Rebeca Chambers (25 POSTS)
Sketch, WIP and Finished content of Rebecca Chamber's PINUP TF SERIES, including "Rebecca into Rebecat" / - Kana Kojima (29 POSTS)
Sketch, WIP and Finished content of Kana Kojima's PINUP TF SERIES, including "Inu no Sensei, Kana" / - Mysterious Gift (14 POSTS)
Sketch and Finished pages of the "Mysterious Gift" comic / On a Halloween night, a young woman finds a mysterious package at the door of her house, a strange horse statue... - 'FarmGirls' (24 POSTS)
WIP and Finished content of the 'FarmGirls' series / Howdy, folks! Tired of the city? Welcome to our humble fam! Relax and enjoy the rustic country life with our charming FarmGirls - 'ASKIN' (7 POSTS)
WIP and Finished content of the "ASKIN" event / There is still so much we don't know about Kin... BUT! In this section, she'll try her very best to respond to all of our questions! - A Deer Holiday~ (6 POSTS)
WIP and Finished sketches of "A Deer Holiday~" transformation sequence / One more year, one more transformation! Triggers can be really different, and this girl's is really unique~ - PASSKIN TF ROULETTE (50 POSTS)
Finished pages of the "PASSKIN TF ROULETTE" event / Come and see, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sexiest furry TF show of all around! Our hostesses Kin and Passion await you~ - The 'Kitty' Joke (7 POSTS)
Finished pages of "The 'Kitty' Joke" comic / During a cold Gotham night, an elegant figure can be seen gliding over the buildings, it's Catwoman, who is about to become more feline
And...! Yeah, those are all the collections we have created so far, pretty cool, right...? Yep, yep, 11 marvelous collections filled with the spiciest and sexiest TF content like, ever...! And oh yeah, there's more, SO MUCH MORE ahead of us to keep organizing... Oh, but yeah, before going and checking all those sweet collections, I gotta warn you that there's still some more work to do on these...!
Like, for example, maybe there's some posts missing from some collections, it's something I'm still checking! And also, I still want to work on the order of the posts, since they can be personalized, and I want to put them in the most attractive and intuitive order possible...! And of course there are collections that are still in progress, such as PASSKIN TF ROULETTE or The 'Kitty' Joke or... 'ASKIN'...! ;D
Alright then, let's keep working on those COLLECTONS! Oh, and by the way, would you like to see an alternative version of this sexy picture...? Oh yeah, it'll be just 5 minutes...! ;P