Thank you so much for your pledge!
I can only keep creating because of the direct support from readers like you!
All your generous support goes back toward the cost of finishing MD and possibly creating another Dark Science Fantasy Romance comics in the future.
If you signed up thru becoming a patron button from Webtoon, please read the about front page to find all the information about Patreon.
The updates posted here will be several chapters ahead of Webtoon.
You can binge multiple chapters of Mission Diversion here:
If you are new to Patreon, the rewards can be found on posts. They are sorted from newest to oldest. You can also click on the tag on that post to find similar posts.
Patreon recently introduces Collections tab to help you find the organized posts easier.
Please enable your email notifications, so whenever I post something here, you will be automatically notified via email. If I have a PDF attached in the post, you'll have it in your email and you don't have to login here to download it.
Unfortunately, starting 2023, I had to remove ALL explicit NSFW comics from Patreon. The higher than NoRa's fleet tier are for catching up to older posts. Higher tiers provide no additional benefits beyond assisting me in making comics sustainable.
I'm currently working on new chapters for MD at a healthy and sustainable pace after a really bad burnout. This Patreon was paused for 2.5 years and monthly billing is resuming on Oct 31st 2023 and I plan to keep it going until April 2024.
After that if I don't have any comic to post, I will hit the pause button until I do (only new patrons and anyone who pledged up is charged during Pause).
I made a brand spanking new discord server, and will occasionally drop a few sketches there. It is very quiet atm, but feel free to join:
Thanks again,
It's very heartening you like my comic enough to support me on Patreon and I am very excited to share the rest of MD with you.
P.S. Your first name on your Patreon display name will be on the credit when MD reaches the end of the story. You can change your Patreon display name to something that isn't associated with your real name.