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Sorry again for the rough state of the pages.

It's been an up and down year for me, but not a bad one for Outsider; my page output still isn't what I think it can be, but this year set a record for the number of pages produced (not counting the above). A lot of that is due to your support, so thank you!

I'd like to wish you a happy new year. Looking forward to better things to come!



Austin Zheng

Thank you for all the work you put into Outsider!



Josh Flory

Happy new year and thank you for all the great work you do. I am happy too see your comic posting again and I look forward to more of your great story. Hope things go well for you in 2019. Take care.

Earl Tower

I have loved this series for years, and love where it is going.


OH Yes.. There WILL be a 'Bedding'! {snicker}


Happy new year. B&W means there is no light, right? It's not bad, reminds me a bit of Sandman style. But the next page looks less sharp, more like a draft.


That's because it is a draft. It'll probably be finished by the end of the month, that's what happened with the previous two pages.


Closer...cc-closer... :)