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Sorry again for the rough state of the pages.

It's been an up and down year for me, but not a bad one for Outsider; my page output still isn't what I think it can be, but this year set a record for the number of pages produced (not counting the above). A lot of that is due to your support, so thank you!

I'd like to wish you a happy new year. Looking forward to better things to come!




They're a lovely New Year's gift. Thank you, and I hope your year will be fabulous.


Noooo! The mystery still isn't solved, what does Alex eat?!?!


Junk food cache? Merry Christmas for him! Now the interesting question kicks in. Would he share with a Loroi who was curious about human food. If he had a favorite item and a knowledgeable Loroi tasted it would they be able to find something equivalent he could get locally? Assuming taste buds work the same. Would they say YUCK! or would humans have a trade good?