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"I'm ah... sorry to disturb you, miss, but... WE'RE ALL ABOUT TO DIE!"

The backgrounds on page 222 are mostly done, so I should have the finished page up for Monday.

Thanks as always for your support.



Michael Pettersson

Alex will have some explaining to do about how humanity built tablet, centuries behind in technological development, can breach the cybersecurity of a military Hierarchy vessel.


Aheh... "The POWER of PORN Compels thee!"


I'm pretty sure the Historian is not gonna be able to hide his presence in the ship system.. but as he will have complete control of the ship.. what does he have to fear with that exposure?!?


What do you care what kind of software it is, Beryl? Alex isn't going to install it in a Loroi ship.

Shane Wegner

The AI might be able to reverse engineer some plausible seeming software errors. "You mentioned she wasn't 'any kind of hacker' and I happened to notice this wireless node was broadcasting on a Trade-standard Protocol. It doesn't even have a password." "It... it does have that protocol running! The logs say the shells recently installed it on one of their conquered worlds and never patched it." "They must have been in a rush to get everything ready for their Offensive. Shoddy." "They probably didn't expect it would matter, if they never got boarded by Loroi."

Valdis Trautmanis

Is Beryl in the first panel "downloading" Tempo's memories for "Listel storage" before the latter dies? She's not a medic and I don't see her "fixing" Tempo's wound with just her fingers, and afterwards she just goes off assisting Alex


No, she and Fireblade are attempting to treat the wound. It will hopefully be a little easier to see in the colored version.