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Ace work with the poses and expressions on these pages, Arioch.


Beryl is such a cutie when angry!

markus baur

i love the way this AI has learned human legalese

Michael Pettersson

It does exist in a human made tablet but while this is technologically inferior to what other civilizations use it IS ahead of what we have access to today.


Sadly he did not name the program DOOM...or the warning would be total unnecessary. DOOM runs on EVERYTHING. XD

markus baur

yes .. but it could have used some other way to give this warning without resorting to legalese .. doing that implies a wicked sense of humor?


Great Alex, you broke the whole ship.

Kclcmdr Kai

Darkness nighs Cliffhanger awaits

Ronald Homer

eh, it's just maintaining it's cover. It was installed as software on a human tablet, so it needs to make certain that all of it's messages looks superficially similar to what human software on a human tablet might actually say. If it deviates too far, Loroi translator-intelligence agents might have an easier time noticing things.

Morgan Olson

I'm wondering what the other ship is doing while all of this is going on.

Shane Wegner

Sometimes you gotta reboot a device so it accepts your code on startup.


When two ships cross like that, it takes a bit to cancel out that momentum and come around for another pass. If one of the ships continues to accelerate away after such a merge (as Alex's ship is currently doing), it's almost impossible for the other ship to catch up unless it's significantly faster, at least until the first ship changes course or acceleration.


Anyone else realize this entire plot point is a nice call back to installing a human-made hacker program onto an alien database, ala Independence Day?

Shane Wegner

"Success.... or bricked?" The Halting Problem except with more tummy butterflies.

Cosmic Pillar

So when the machine powers back up will it be in Trade or in English? Or, will it be in... Loroi Trade? That could cause some problems.

Morgan Olson

I feel like I should have known that, very simple explanation. 😅 If they are speeding towards the rest of the umiak fleet, I wonder if some will break off to stop them and it results in a slight advantage for the Loroi as Alex and Co. turn and make an escape. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. 👍

Dweller on the Threshold

The porn angle on this is very fun... Call me nosy but if I was offered the chance to see what an alien species considered porn I'd want to see it. Still as long as the Porn app has some porn who's to know?, I assume it found some porn it could show so perhaps it is the perfect cover....


That's happened way too many times for me when I used to watch porn without a decent antivirus program.