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The plot thickeneth!

Anthony Docimo

when they all said they'd never seen it before, I half expected the lone human to say "thats one of my ships"

Anthony Docimo

keep up the great work, suspense and otherwise


My guess is the mysterious ship has something to do with how they are blocking the far seers.

Carl Miller Jr.

The thick plottens! Also the historian ship looks cool. Also also please finish some pages :(

Alexander Freeman

Come to think of it, the Loroi could check what their Farseers observed at the time to see whether they noticed this ship after it left.


The output of a pure fusion drive is likely to be invisible, at least to hunan eyes. Hell, regular hydrolox chemical rocketscare close to invisible in a lot of lighting conditions. So "I can't see an exhaust plume" isn't quite the flex that Jardin seems to think it is. :p


We can imagine that the sensor record isn't only in the human-visible wavelength. :D But I suspect that even the cleanest fusion flame or chemical rocket would have an exhaust port hot enough to glow very brightly indeed.

Michael Pettersson

It seem like someone has aquired access to some strange matter and built an Alcubierre drive. That is a warp drive for those using Star Trek terminology. You force the nothingness of space to shrink in front of a vessel and then expand it behind the vessel. This is travelling without acceleration. The ship is parked, still, in a bubble that moves. Mathematically this is know to be possible snd it allow for FTL transport. However you need access to strange matter with negative mass for that to work. As such the concept is seen as a mathematical possibility but not realistic way to achive FTL.

Michael Pettersson

I came to think of it about this "illusion drive" ship. While it is not a typical Umiak desig it STILL manage to have an insect like apperance. That ship look like a shellbug.


Well, the simple explanation is, these are Historians. They're there to observe and record, what is likely of historical significance. On the other hand, one of their kind has actually proactively starting interacting with the lone Human amongst this crew. Why, is an interesting question that remains uncertain...