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Anthony Docimo

I thought in the final frame, she was asking "What? Now? Enzin?" or "What? Now, Enzin?" :D

Anthony Docimo

I wonder if the Historian Ship is there an an observer (did they insist on a presence, or was their presence insisted upon?) either way, this is great; keep up the great work.

Adam Safran

This is going to go so well! Looking forwards to the next pages coming!

Alexander Freeman

Historian AI constructs aren’t visible to Farseers, are they? 0.0


Love the expressions here!


According to lore, if I am not mistaken, AI are not. Maybe artificial consciousness, but you'd have to ask Arioch.

Cosmic Pillar

@Arioch Hey Arioch? What is the number of KIA, wounded and missing for this war to date?


That would be difficult to put a precise number on. The Loroi have lost several entire fleets' worth of crews over the course of 25 years, but that number probably pales in comparison to the number of civilians exterminated in the occupied colonies, which I would guess to be at least 100 million. For the Umiak, I wouldn't even hazard a guess, but almost all of their losses have been military rather than civilian. The Umiak military losses are higher than the Loroi, but there have been very few civilian losses.