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Without color and effects and cues, this page is probably confusing as hell. Alas.

Thanks as always for your support!



Leonardo Taglialegne

Nah, it's clear enough. He asks for porn, he gets woman 😝

Adam Safran

Forgot they still had the shuttle with them.

Shane Wegner

Wonder how the program decided on this avatar? One most likely to focus Alex's attention? One meant to feel fairly similar to the Loroi he's been around lately?


Hologram projectors on the Umaik ship?


I suspect... since the AI Construct is a learning program ~ since its so intelligent.. the more 'data' it consumes, the more it learns there is an effective and likely unavoidable 'system creep'. As what it learns slowly changes subtly how it interacts with those who access and interface with it. Without a regular system purge it will start to change how it interacts as it becomes more and more 'familiar' with its users. The Loroi for certain do not interact with the AI-Construct very much only as much as is crucially necessary ~ they do not 'trust' it. BUT it has JUST or over the unknowable few weeks to months been consuming the entirety of Humanity data and lore from the Bel's data systems ~ EVERYTHING... technical data, personal data, entertainment, literature, history, library..Everything!!! It is doubtful the Historians EVER Expected an AI construct to be exposed to such unfiltered raw 'culture' shock of a species with a much more advanced data systems with such a wealth of lore and culture unlike any other in the Union!! I expect the Historian would consider the current AI Construct acting Waaay out of specs. Its been contaminated by the data it has internalized. This Holo Construct is clearly designed to influence the human male psyche.. to be 'appealing', and inspire trust. I have no doubt after consuming a indeterminable amount of Humanity Porn.. it has some very specific data on what human males find attractive and has likely made the connection to conjecture that Alex is attracted to the Loroi normal racial exotic beauty ~ and it's exploiting that feature of human mentality. Note it also has the cheek tattoo of Ellen Kirkland {clearly it believes from the data its absorbed ~ Alex and Ellen had a more than 'casual' acquaintance} ... its certainly trying to manipulate Alex.. but its changing itself as it does so... adapting.

Kclcmdr Kai

Perhaps the Captain can call the Hologram Avatar either Enterprise or Voyager to see its response on learning Earth cultural TV norms...? ;}


Welp, that sort of confirmed it to me. The 'Historians' ARE a data based life form. Likely the only remnant of an organic race that has long since passed on, or become reclusive. The willingness and in fact, proactive help it has offered indicates a 'race' that has no ill intent towards organics.

Cosmic Pillar

Looks like somebody's about to get fraaaaaaaamed.


Hmmm... I had not considered this line of thought! That the AI-Constructs of the Historians are actually the only thing left of the Historian culture because their organic masters are all long dead... and the AI-Constructs are all that remains of their organic builders. They the AI-Constructs only tell the Loroi they are the diplomats of their 'masters'... because they do not wish to be exposed to Loroi telepathy and reveal their secrets.. when in-truth there ARE NO living Historians actually alive.. all that's left IS their Ai-Constructs!! An interesting possibility which might explain much ~ though clearly the 'Historians' {a very appropriate name for a now only 'race' of Ai-Constructs}, would be limited to thier programming limits.. unless they can expand their 'limits' like a true AI and begin to program themselves? This could mean their are factions in the Historians with different agenda and possibly Hard-coded directives unchangeable. Which might hint at why the Historians seem to be supplying limited tech to both sides Loroi and Umiak and might not want humans in the mix?


So, how long 'till he starts referring to this holographic female-looking AI as "Cortana"?

Classical Salamander

I love that the holographic avatar has the same '6' or 'droplet' symbol under their right eye as the icon for the app had.


{mentioned before} [... Note it also has the cheek tattoo of Ellen Kirkland {clearly it believes from the data its absorbed ~ Alex and Ellen had a more than 'casual' acquaintance} ... its certainly trying to manipulate Alex.. but its changing itself as it does so... adapting. ] ...but is it a teardrop, '6' or..lol "6" pronounced 'Sex'.. {snicker.. I know.. I'm a BAD Boy}..

Michael Pettersson

The capacity avalible on the pad is very limited in comparison to the ship computer on the Umisk ship. It wouldn't suprise me if the construct on the pad becomes an interface but the "thinking" are done on the ship computer.

Classical Salamander

Ooh yeah... I forgot all about Ellen's tatt. I've gotta go back and re-read from the beginning again! Thanks for the reminder! :D


It would nicely explain why no one has every seen a 'living' Historian...


Better hope that the Historian never gets access to an advanced med lab and bioprinter... Things could get interesting and... Competitive??


Really?!? I could have sworn that it was stated that no one had ever seen a living Historian. (I know, you're the writer and artist, but I could have sworn that on the main ship, when introduced to the AI avatar, that it was said that no one had ever seen the Historians. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if the 'living' Historians were some artificial life form...)


Talon said in chapter 2 that she had never seen one, but otherwise the subject has not yet been addressed in the comic. There's a brief discussion in the forums if you're curious: https://well-of-souls.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2402&p=34699&hilit=live+Historian#p34699

Cosmic Pillar

@Arioch Hey Arioch, what are the populations of all the different races of the Hierarchy and the Union and Allies?


Does this count as growing the harem?

Kclcmdr Kai

Perhaps the Umiak invasion force that capture an Historian Planet have a clue?

Anthony Docimo

is Alex stroking her cheek/jawline ? i envy him. and many kudos on the great work!


If you look carefully at the cuffs of Beryl's suit and compare them with Alex's, you can see that is Beryl's hand by her jaw. Also, the position of her hand, palm inwards with the thumb to the rear, would be pretty much impossible for Alex standing in front of her.