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Umiak computers are weird.

I hope you are enjoying a pleasant holiday, and accept my wishes for a better 2024.



Carl Miller Jr.

LOL at the Walker's background text. Happy New Year!


Thank you. I hope 2024 is much better than 2023! Thank you also for the gift. This was a delight to read.

Morgan Olson

I misread for a moment and thought he said a good name was, "I don't think I appreciate your sense of humor." That would have been a great name.


Happy New Year! Is Walker's line: "That is open to debate." a response to "They're not stupid." or "Aren't they supposed to be allies?"? The layout of the speech bubbles leaves it ambiguous, and the tone of the two alternatives is somewhat different. I always like a sarcastic robot.

Zac The Lizard

I fucking love this Historian computer AI thing!


Happy new year, Arioch. If our 2024 is better than Alex's, I'll be content

Kclcmdr Kai

Alec.. ask the AI whether that anomaly starship the Loroi noticed is one of the historians warships or something similar.... get some better intel for your survival & your new crewmates.


Hmmm... This is serious. The 'Walker' AI is not being humorous, OR suffering from Umiak system weirdness... its deliberately pushing Alex's emotional buttons in every way possible. Its form, its assumed 'gender', Ellen's cheek tattoo, the 'pet name' barbs from his past...that IT knows he dislikes! It VERY well knows how brilliant Alex is and is constantly trying to demean his intellect to get emotional responses out of him. Why would it do this? I think it is trying to disarm Alex of his intellect to keep him from scrutinizing IT too closely. It's stress testing his emotional stability and mental acuity to stay focused. Its trying to keep his intellect off kilter by poking at his emotions... both directly and subtly. It's equally trying to keep Alex and the Listel from mentally collaborating. But Alex is not taking the bait... which is why its being more and more provocative and dismissive.


Yeah that is weird! Do you think those are things Alex has said that are recorded in the Bell's crew files?

Alexander Freeman

I believe the only places where “wunderkind” and “golden boy” appear are in Alex’s flashbacks and dreams on pages 96 and 97. Ellen probably used those words multiple times, and/or Alex took notes on his dreams. It’s also possible that “Walker” is reading Alex’s memories, but that can’t be true… can it?


could be surveillance cameras that had caught some of their interactions that the Historians has gotten access to

Classical Salamander

I did this a lot when I was younger, and undiagnosed. Malicious little shit, I was... so is this Program... needs a good smacking.

Anthony Docimo

quick, Alex, reply with "can't we do both?" :D