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My friends, all I want to say is UGHHHH. These car models can get so tedious! You spend hours on them, and they don't even hold together! And instead of updating you about how I glued 20 more parts in place, I just went ahead and finished all the sub-assemblies. The photos revealed some places that will have to be cleaned up or smoothened prior to painting, but everything that should be in place... is in place! Except for the "stowage" or the random mess in the flatbed, which I'll add later.

As you can see, the rear half of the truck was a playground for some scratchbuilding, and I even employed a bit of 3D printing as well. The handles on the rear bumper, the shackles, and the hooks are all 3D files. The hook cost me 3 bucks on Cults3D, but it was a good time-saver.

One of the tiny improvements I'm pretty proud of is the seats. Unlike the last time, I didn't cover them with epoxy putty because references show they were rather smooth, but I added the seam lines directly on the plastic parts using a razor saw and a hobby blade.

I'm not too stoked about the rubber tires, though, but with some careful painting, they should look alright and stay in one piece.

Anyway, just like with the Chevy or the pancake train, I'll have to paint the interior first so I can glue some basic parts of the cab together. When I say that nothing holds in place dry-fitted, I mean it :D So I can't even show you the model assembled before I put some paint on it.

Anyway, onto the interior!



Devin Lapointe

wow it looks very good im exited to see how this turns out!



Chris Hedges

That is a very rare Landy as it has at least one straight and undented panel.


I'm excited for painting!😁🎨🖌


Really good job, uncle. I'm excited to see how it will look finished.


I’m still tweaking finishing leather seats to look a certain way so I’m interested to see what paint combo/technique you use for these. Maybe they are cloth but either way…..should be an interesting paint.

Quintin Paparella

Awesome man! Looking great. Always love to see your posts.

Mike A.

It's always instructive to see the unpainted model. For example, it's amazing how the textured bumpers add so much visual interest.


They can vary on real vehicles (at least from what I've seen), and I decided to go with that smooth black look from one ref. image.