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As heard on RFR Q&A #92, Billy shared these photos with us of his ever-changing Star Wars display. Billy rotates memorabilia based on the films of the original trilogy, with an emphasis on vintage. As you can see, he has a healthy collection dedicated to each OT Star Wars film. He also hand-painted the Return of the Jedi backdrop you see behind the rancor. 

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Alex Doud

Nice! Jealous of some of the more rare vintage stuff like the 12" figures. I have the core group but never got Boba or Vader.

Peter Beisser

Respect the separation of church and state with the different movies. Cool way of organizing.

Jeremy Grimes

Awesome vintage collection! I love the set up!

Blake Weaver

This is a thing of beauty.

John Riley

There we go, a very complete OT collection! Sorted by movie… that’s the best way to do it! I remember not liking the 12” figures as a kid, the “doll” factor, but now as a old guy I appreciate their detail, that the Kenner 3-3/4” didn’t have.

Peter J Watson

Fantastic collection! Love the R5-D4! Thought there might be a 'Lets Misbehave' album on the Empire display!

RobO from ChicagO

Only thing it needs is a framed “I want my felt to be felt” cover on the wall.

Brooks P

The ROTJ shelf is epic. I didn’t even know they ever did a Lego Sail Barge!

Billy Mac

They’ve actually done it twice. This is the first release, which I think is the better of the two (I added the Ree Yess and Barada minfigs, which are not original to the set).

Nick Whenham

Love the MPC TIE Interceptor!

Eric from Phoenix

Awesome collection Billie! Jimmy and I talked about a bunch of the stuff you have for A New Hope and Empire. I love the puzzles. Those used to be a pretty inexpensive collectible but I haven't looked a prices for years. There's one thing on your Jedi shelf that Jimmy and I will definitely talk about when we discuss our Jedi experience. Is the DL-44 (Han's blaster) the original Kenner toy with a custom paint job or one of the expensive replicas? Either way very cool!

Billy Mac

The Han blaster is a recent acquisition. I bought several saber hilts and the blaster from a co-worker…got a great deal. It’s a fan made replica using authentic parts, apparently, used to make the Force Awakens model (I wouldn’t be able to tell the differences from the other flicks unless I looked then up!). So it’s all metal and rather heavy. Very cool piece….need a proper a stand for it though.

Eric from Phoenix

I just went back and looked at all of the pictures. Did you restore all of the toys? They all look so clean and bright and the stickers are perfect. If so, great work!

Billy Mac

Yeah, I do restore stuff. I’ve gotten some great deals over the years that way!

Adrian Logan

Love the collection Billy Mac! I am digging the concept too of not having to display everything in your collection but changing out occasionally. Those shelving units are perfect also! Some nostalgic stuff here for sure all displayed perfectly!