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The 1997 STAR WARS Special Edition presented George Lucas with the opportunity to clean up the original prints of the films. He also took advantage of technology to add and expand scenes. RFR V.I.P. Jeff Holland has a list of the major changes and tweaks to STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE and we discuss and debate the good and the bad. 



Martin Jaksetic

Cool! Looking forward to this!

Matt Rashid


Billy Mac

Fun show. The “Making of…” special does indeed show them filming the Biggs & Red Leader scene, and if you listen closely, you can hear some of the deleted dialogue which reveals that the former knew Luke’s father who “was a great pilot.”

Kirk Leppert

Great episode. Looking forward to the Empire and Jedi reviews!


Metallica + Star Wars, this episode was made especially for me. I had no idea Jimmy was such a 'Tallica enthusiast. It has me thinking about becoming a VIP just to talk about Metallica! I've long called San Francisco my Mecca because my two favorite things are from there.

Blake Weaver

Loving the metal music talk and Star Wars! This episode was made for me. I have the say the special edition version of A New Hope is the bane of my existence. I hate almost all the changes. But I think it’s more because the original cuts aren’t made available in any official way. They should release them and put them under the “vintage” Star Wars section on Disney+. I own the blu rays that jimmy recommended to me off Etsy when i sent a comlink message months ago. But it would be nice to see it on my iPad during a trip. Overall great discussion guys! A lot of fun as always.

Ryan Parker

Had to Google that early Marvel version of Jabba…I am very glad he became a giant slug.

Billy Mac

I was with my brother at that Ozzy concert in ‘86, which was about 5 months or so before Cliff Burton died. That is one of my best concert memories. Also saw them on the Monsters of Rock tour opening for Dokken! I was obsessed with them and couldn’t believe they didn’t get a higher spot on the bill (second band after Kingdom Come - remember them?), but this was right before “And Justice” came out and they were on the verge of exploding.

Antonio from NJ

What the.. I didnt even know this came out !

Antonio from NJ

How was Metallica?! Jeff we need a follow up! Not even a "heavy metal" guy (more beastie boys and Nas) but man, I could go for a hardcore show up right now! I need a Fugazi show now haha

Rob Strecker

I like the special editions. The addition of Yazzum and Sy Snootles is great in ROTJ. Then there is the addition of Jabba into ANH.

Sean W. from Warsaw

What a fun comparison! I always stay away from YouTube stuff like this for some reason I can't explain, so I don't think I've ever taken the time to hear or watch one until now. The Biggs stuff is very much welcome for me. I remember a couple years ago I saw the original version for the first time since maybe a kid, so I barely remembered it (I grew up with the Special Editions) and I really missed the reunion of the friends. It felt too jarring when Luke was saying to Biggs "It'll be just lik3 Beggar's Canyon back home!" without anything else to establish who Biggs really was. Also, that celebration scene at the end is a major improvement in the Special Editions: In the original you can painfully clearly see cardboard cutouts of people right as they're walking in! Oi. Lol

Jeff Holland

Unfortunately I was too young back in ‘86 to start listening to Metallica. Started listening to them in ‘88. Even though I never got to see Cliff live I’ve watched Cliff ‘Em All (about 500 times)! I saw some interview w Ozzy (maybe the MTV Metallica Rockumentary?) saying Metallica was giving him a run for his money every night on that ‘86 tour.

Jeff Holland

The original laser disc versions of the OT are (were?) available on DVD for a limited time a while back. I have them. Other than my old VHS copies I don’t know of any other way to watch the original uncut OT movies. I agree with you - why not make them available in the Vintage section of Disney+.

Jeff Holland

Metallica’s 40th Anniversary shows were great! Two nights with two completely different set lists. Heard some songs they haven’t played in a long time, plus heard a song (Fixxxer) that they never played live before. Saw some of my touring buddies that I haven’t seen in a long time. All in all, great shows!

David Grunert

Loved the Q and A again great topic like Jimmy Mac I really enjoy the addition of the Biggs scene as prior to its addition as a kid I couldn’t connect why Luke was calling out Biggs at the battle of Yavin.

Eric from Phoenix

Yep, not sure why Marvel chose one of the least scary and smallest creatures from the cantina to be Jabba.

RobO from ChicagO

Love the music talk! Enter Sandman was my bands go to cover song when people got tired of listening to our originals.

Todd Mills

Jefferson Starship is originally from San Francisco. Jimmy has at least 2 connections to that band. 😁

Rebel Force Radio

Pete Sears was the bassist for Jefferson Starship and can be seen in the Holiday Special. I saw him play live last time I visited the Bay Area in the David Nelson Band. The man can play. - JMac


Love love loved this episode!! I always looked forward to what would be different on a new release! Like an Easter egg hunt. I also love hearing everyone’s opinions on the whole list. Excited for you to do Empire next!!!

Todd Mills

I was actually referring to Cathy Richardson (albeit a Chicagoan)... and you kinda know their guitar/drum tech.

Yoshi Aday

Great analysis!

Eric from Phoenix

Awesome job Jeff and JMac! There's lots to be critical of in the Star Wars Special Edition but you can't over-appreciate how awesome it was to see the movie back on a big screen with sold-out crowds. Was just awesome!! My quick list: 1) The Mos Eisley stuff didn't work well originally because they didn't get the color-correction right. It just didn't match with the rest of Tatooine. It's better with the Disney+ version, 2) Humor in Mos Eisley doesn't work, 3) Cantina changes were terrible. I loved the Wolfman and he was awesome in the Gendy Clone Wars series. Also, how could they not fix the Duros? One has human gloved hands and the other has creature hands? 4) Han not shooting first? Never liked it. As a little kid Han shooting first was justifiable because a BH was holding a gun on him. I never thought that was cold blooded. 5) I wish they would've kept the blaster bolts hitting the Imperial Fleet Troopers. I always liked that and you get blaster explosions on the Storm Troopers. If you look at some of the original storyboards there's literal gore coming out from the blaster hits. lol 6) I like the changes to the Han / Chewie chasing the Stormtroopers scene. In the original verision the Stormtoopers end up at a dead end room? Never made sense why that room was functionally even there. 7) JMac playing Metallica out of the blue, awesome!! Can't wait for your review of Empire Special Edition!

Rebel Force Radio

Of course, Cathy is a local treasure and now singing lead for Jefferson Starship! She is super nice and I've worked with her in radio and via events with Buzz Kilman and Wendy. She certainly has one of the best voices in rock!

Rebel Force Radio

I was able to catch night two on Amazon and it was great! Too bad the shows were only available via live stream and aren't on demand yet as far as I know.

Jeff Holland

Thank you! Re #3 - never noticed the hands on the Duros. Need to go back and check that out. Re #6 - Ha Ha! Yeah, how in the hell did they end up in a dead end room. Stupid stormtroopers. Alternately, in my head canon, maybe those stormtroopers were just out of the Academy and being a newbie, they didn't know their way around the Death Star. LOL! Re #7, yeah that was really cool!

Eric from Phoenix

I love your head canon on the newbie Stormtroopers!