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After a year of massive anticipation, THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT is finally here! Join us for a Rebel Force Radio After Show review of the first exciting chapter "Stranger In A Strange Land", with listener calls, speculation and analysis.



Steve Gilmore

If you think about it, and it’s a small sample size but Jawa’s are 2-0 vs Mandalorian’s

Blake Weaver

Good show last night. I didn’t get my call through but I loved all the background characters and Easter eggs. The R-3X droid who was the old Star Tours captain and now the dj in the galaxies edge cantina was in it. He was in the cantina scene with Max Rebo.

Eric from Phoenix

After my son watched the episode he made a great comment on the music. He said it reminded him of pirate music. Especially the last bit at the end of the episode. After I rewatched I would have to agree with him. Reminded me of Pirates of the Caribbean.

RobO from ChicagO

I LOL’d when you guys called that droid his Robert Duvall. Who’s his fat Clemenza!?!

Ryan Parker

Finally got to be a caller on an after show! Seriously, what is up with those damn coconuts. What is producing those?

Antonio from NJ

I have a legit question for Jason...Where did he get that reading of the marionette/godfather logo = politicians? I've never heard that interpretation before and would like to read more about it. Found one quora article on it - https://www.quora.com/In-The-Godfather-what-s-the-symbolism-behind-the-film-s-logo-the-hand-holding-a-stringed-cross-attached-to-the-letters-A-T-H-E-R#:~:text=The%20Godfather%20novel%20and%20film,body%20parts%20of%20the%20marionette.

Antonio from NJ

Also in the book Ronin, I believe they use the word daimyo and use it (more or less) correct. But I do push back slightly on the daimyo gripe. While the position is one of govt and meant to quell corruption, that doesn't mean there weren't corrupt daimyos in history. I don't know - its not a stretch for me to think the corrupt mayor (who we saw had ties with jabba) to have appointed Jabba as the daimyo of the region? I am sure Im not saying this right! hah sorry


So how long was Fett in the sarlacc pit? Jabba’s blown up sail barge wasn’t still smoking. And how long can Fetts life support suite last since he was running out of oxygen? And nice to have a quick connect oxygen hose that uses the same fittings as the empire uses on storm trooper helmets! Lol

Sean W. from Warsaw

So I have an observation. You guys brought up Fett in TESB, and how you thought he was against torture even then. I have to push back on that one. I always got the impression he wanted the bounty reward that came from Solo being taken in alive rather than dead. Vader risking killing Solo would have cost him a handsome bonus indeed. In fact, going back a little further into the film, when Fett and the other bounty hunters are on the bridge of Vader's ship, when Vader tells him he wants Solo alive, Vader seems to emphasize the word alive; but he certainly emphasizes the phrase "No disintegrations!"--even going so far as to point at Fett. The implication being that I don't think, when you guys were referring to Fett's seeming compassion for Solo in the carbon freezing chamber, that he ever really cared for life much if he was known especially for disintegrating his bounties! I think we gotta be careful to not retcon these things, however well meaning we may be or however accidental it may be in the process. Where I could see your point as to Fett having some compassion for those who would be tortured, though, is when you brought up how he was tortured by the Sand People, and thus knew precisely what that was like. However, I find even that a bit of a stretch. The dude was the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. While we might not know for sure his life's story in great detail, the dents and dings on his armor tell at least some of the story for us. And it's well within reason he was likely captured and tortured at least once in that career to make his way to the top of the food chain. In fact, I would argue it's highly unlikely that didn't happen considering the colorful characters (to put it mildly) he found company with on a regular basis: Scum, villains, vile gangsters, etc. The worst of the worst in the galaxy. Even Sith Lords! The guy has to lack a firm moral center to be working for people like these. Otherwise, why would he be so feared for so long; and why would he be in the business for so long? In the end, I think he didn't believe in torturing those at his mercy not because he's compassionate, but because he's pragmatic. If he's known for disintegrations, that means he likely was getting the job done as efficiently as possible. Nothing to clean up, after all, when your kill is atoms! Why waste time and energy to torture people, either? Time is money to a bounty hunter. Similarly, with the Gamorreans, why torture them when he could just use them for his nefarious purposes to rule with an iron fist--especially given he didn't have substantial backup at that point? It would have been a waste to have the Gamorreans killed, and pointless to have them tortured, at least in his efficient mind. And if you need any further evidence that he was likely tortured in his career, perhaps we need look no further than this first episode itself: Perhaps he survived his ordeal in the desert with the Tuskens in large part because he's been so resistant to torture in the past. He's been hardened by it, in other words. Anyways, food for thought, gents! I just have a really hard time seeing this character possess any sort of genuine benevolence or compassion. Digging a little deeper than the surface, I think we can easily see the truer, darker nature of this character.

RobO from ChicagO

Good post. I always envisioned Boba as a calculated no nonsense mercenary, harden from his youth (watching his father beheaded). Kind of like a Judge Dredd type, silent with his own sense of moral code, but ruthless nonetheless. I don’t want to see them turning him into a hero, he shouldn’t be, like they said in the aftershow (Michael Corleone shot a cop in the face, but yet we still rooted for his character). They can do the same with Boba, but I worry that Disney won’t push that angle at all.

Sean W. from Warsaw

For sure, for sure. Time will tell, I guess. What'll really shake things up is if we see him take on actual good guys again and not just the criminal element or the Empire or whatnot. Throw in some Rebels or a famous hero like Solo. That'll be the real testing ground for his character to see if he's still the villain. Y'know, going back to the bridge of Vader's ship, to me it always seemed like he was disappointed having to follow Vader's command to not disintegrate! When he says, "As you wish," in the original voice, especially. But even in the carbon freezing chamber, he outright says to Vader "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me." He point blank gives the reason why he doesn't want Solo to die: His worth in money. I think it's a pretty sizeable stretch to go from what is very clearly understood on its face to proposing he was trying to be sneaky about his morality to Vader. Lol Like I said, time will tell. But if we play those sorts of word games with what characters have said for decades in the films, which were always supposed to clearly portray what they were thinking, we run the risk of blowing these characters out of their intended proportions to meet a certain personal end of our own, or even agenda in the case of Disney. Authenticity could easily be lost if we continue down that road of playing fast and loose with words--especially in the context of the simplicity of what Lucas was going for with the OT. You knew precisely who the good guys and the bad guys were in large part by what they said. The dialogue was intended to leave very little to the imagination. And Boba is no exception, especially given he worked for Vader. One may cry symbolism over substance, but that's also Star Wars storytelling and part of the rules to follow if you're gonna continue a famous character's story.

Eric from Phoenix

It will be interesting to see what happens. I think Boba will have to have some sort of character arc. Without that I don’t know why Disney or Favreu would make the show. I don’t want to see him go good but I’m interested to see what they have planned.

Kurt Shimala

The Tatooine “map” was showing in Mando S2E1 at 11:24 showing how close Mos Espa and Mos Eisley were.

Sean W. from Warsaw

Indeed. I think the character arc is likely to be him learning the ropes of being a crime boss, not at all dissimilarly to The Godfather. That sort of dark trajectory that goes deeper and deeper into the criminal element and survival of the fittest. As an aside, I have to wonder if his time with the Tuskens won't be so much him trying to become honorable in some weird way, but learning how to just survive. Personally, I think his time with them will only feed his darker impulses, rather than take away from them (i.e. I don't think he'll go soft on torture, so much as be hardened by it). In the end, I wonder if his time with them won't simply be because he can't actually get away from them rather than being motivated by some external source, such as a woman. Makes me wonder if he won't end up just going the darker path of Anakin and slaughter his captives in the end just to escape. He's dressed like a Tusken in Mando perhaps because that was the best way to survive the desert. It is a planet, after all. For all we know, he could have been surviving on his own for years trying to find a way off that rock.

David Grunert

Great after show Jimmy Jason and Tyler couldn’t call in as much as I wanted I will say here what I think about BoB. I’m getting a dances with wolves vibe with boba and the Tusken’s. He will fall for the tusken warrior woman, the moisture gang are going to wipe them out boba sole survivor the Fett man goes looking for revenge destroying all those connected which leads and end with Bib. Boba I also using a gaffi stick that looks extremely similar to the tusken warrior woman in the tragedy.

RobO from ChicagO

Random late night thought, I imagine Boba becomes accepted part of the tribe and begins to grow fond of them (simple man trying to make his way). After some time passes that biker gang we see raids and kills the Tusken camp, Boba maybe wasn’t there during the raid or is badly wounded. He finds out that gang was sent by Bib and seeks his revenge. Something along those lines.

Steve Gilmore

When they do the flashbacks with the Tusken Raiders is he the Sandalorian??? I’ll show myself out..