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Mynock's chewing on the power cables.

Sorry for the delay, guys. HERE is your ad-free AHSOKA After Show Part 3: TIME TO FLY Audio Podcast!



Eric from Phoenix

No sweat Jimmy. I still need to catch up on the last 30ish minutes of the stream.

John Phillips

So I guess midiclorians don’t mean anything anymore?


Awesome Q&A episode.

David Mills

I’d say they do, but they are only a part of what indicates that someone is able to use the force. Kinda like an indicator of natural talent

Sean W. from Warsaw

I think someone can have a high count and still not know they have Force aptitude unless it's revealed to them; and I think someone can have a low count and also not know. Han Solo could have used the Force if he took enough time and focus to discipline himself! And it wouldn't have surprised me. I think, as much as I've never had a problem with the midi-chlorians, that they do not interfere with the storytelling of someone wanting to become a Jedi. I think how long and determined they have to be in such efforts determines in a kind of backwards way how many of them they have. In other words, I think someone with many of them will not have to try as hard to get good at it as someone who doesn't have many. It's been established since the OT than the Force is in everyone, after all, and that only a disciplined person who takes it seriously can use it. Folks like a Han Solo or even a Sabine would probably not find themselves naturally knowing they had aptitude because it doesn't come so easily to them as it did with the Skywalkers, where they "knew" they had it without knowing because they could do certain things they couldn't explain; or had mentors gravitate to them because said mentors saw something they themselves may not have. Looking forward to seeing how the Sabine thing works out! Loving this underdog kinda story! Very different from any other Jedi story we've seen!

Bolder Boulder

I went back and watched scenes from Clone Wars featuring Huyang, and he blinks in the show as well. Somehow, that slipped my mind. I figured the blinking and “eyebrow” movements were new. I personally liked them, so it never bothered me. But, now knowing he has always done that, it makes more sense

Elizabeth Anne AlienLizzie

I don't see an Ahsoka after show for episode 4 yet, I just wanted to post somewhere that there are some theater screenings of episode 5 coming up on Tuesday September 12th, I was able to book one at Disney Springs AMC in Orlando. The site is GoFoBo . com and it's Ahsoka Mid Season Celebration. They list 10 cities (NYC, Boston, Chicago, Philly, Dallas, LA, San Fran, Seattle, Washington DC, Orlando)