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Season One of AHSOKA wraps up with epic saber battles, zombie troopers, latent Force powers and Witch majiks! Join us for an equally explosive discussion of "The Jedi, The Witch, and the Warlord" this week on RFR's AHSOKA After Show livestream tonight at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT / 5 PT) only on YouTube. Watch, listen, chat and call in with your thoughts, theories and observations!


AHSOKA After Show Livestream – Part 8: The Jedi, The Witch, and the Warlord

Season One of AHSOKA wraps up with epic saber battles, zombie troopers, latent Force powers and Witch majiks! Join us for an equally explosive discussion of "The Jedi, The Witch, and the Warlord" this week on RFR's AHSOKA After Show livestream tonight at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT / 5 PT) only on YouTube. Watch, listen, chat and call in with your thoughts, theories and observations! #starwars #aftershow #ahsokaaftershow #livestream #tunein #rebelforceradio #rfr #ahsoka #hera #sabine #ezra #thrawn #rebels #thejedithewitchandthewarlord #filoni


RobO from ChicagO

I give this finale 3/5 dancing Thrawns.

Jim from Sweden

The red bandits were mixed sex. You hear some speak with female voices in part five.

Jim from Sweden

Also great to find Claudia Black from Farscape ss one of the three witch mothers.

Blake Weaver

As someone who was bullied off Facebook pages for just LIKING Star Wars Visions I can only imagine what lunatics are doing to people who DIDNT like Ahsoka. It’s writing was bad period. Casual fans stopped watching according to real analytics. There’s more talk about what it all means instead of what happened on screen and it’s frustrating for someone who’s loved this franchise for decades. Consume product and get ready for next product. This is nothing towards RFR I love you guys and will always listen. I just may not be watching live action SW for a while.

mickyity split

When would be a good time to leave a voicemail about ahsoka?! I've got THOUGHTS! LOL thanks guys!

Rebel Force Radio

I think NOW is a perfect time. We will try to knock out a few VMs on next week's show. Kyle Newman dominates most of the show that will drop tomorrow with his Ahsoka review.

Brian Frith

One question… Why wasn’t Ezra able to pick up on the place that Baylan Skoll was seen looking at towards the end of the last episode? He was there for years, trying to perfect his Jedi Skills? Is it because he’s unable to tap into both the dark and light? Maybe I missed something?

Brian Frith

Loved Jimmy Mac’s idea to have someone else find Baylan Skoll’s remains on the journey to this mystery location that we saw in the last episode. Great idea. Does anyone think that they could have saved some of Ray Stevenson’s footage for next season? Maybe that’s why we didn’t see him very much in the last episode?

mickyity split

and i hope no one gets mad at me!!! all in good fun, i like to push buttons LOL

Sirc Michaels

A solid ending to a solid season of STAR WARS!