MagicaCSG Demo: capped cylinder spline (Patreon)
Turn on "Curved Boundary" to enable this option.
The capped cylinder spline is basically a special case of ellipsoid sweep spline, which can be subtracted by other primitives with large blending factor or groove blending just like the sphere spline.
(cube, cylinder, hexagon, triangle sweep splines can only be "unioned" but not "subtracted" with large blending factor or groove blending)
It can be used for more flexible profile control than sphere spline for organic shapes.
Note that it has similar cost as the cylinder spline, so it is more expensive than sphere spline.
[Other News]
1. A public demo version may be released soon. It mainly has the basic features developed before 2023, so it doesn't have the latest advanced features (helix, sweep spline, etc.) And it can only be used for non-commercial purposes.
2. Subgroup Boolean is under active development. It may be released in prototype tier first.
3. Rhombus profile will also be supported (by enabling Rhombus Y for Triangle profile).