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Turn on "Curved Boundary" to enable this option.

The capped cylinder spline is basically a special case of ellipsoid sweep spline, which can be subtracted by other primitives with large blending factor or groove blending just like the sphere spline.

(cube, cylinder, hexagon, triangle sweep splines can only be "unioned" but not "subtracted" with large blending factor or groove blending)

It can be used for more flexible profile control than sphere spline for organic shapes.

Note that it has similar cost as the cylinder spline, so it is more expensive than sphere spline.  

[Other News]

1. A public demo version may be released soon. It mainly has the basic features developed before 2023, so it doesn't have the latest advanced features (helix, sweep spline, etc.) And it can only be used for non-commercial purposes.

2. Subgroup Boolean is under active development. It may be released in prototype tier first.

3. Rhombus profile will also be supported (by enabling Rhombus Y for Triangle profile).



Immortal Turk

Both new options are going to be extremely useful. I'm also looking forward to closed sweeps. I would like to ask a few questions about the boolean groupings, and hopefully its okay for you to share your plans. By the name, is going to transform the entire group into a stroke that can have its own boolean options? Will there be a limit to how many strokes it can contain? And will it have a 'pass through' option to work with normal layer order? If it's not going to have its own boolean options, my other questions are: Will they collapse to visually reduce the number of strokes we must search through? Will it have its own rotation/transforms, if you select the group in the strokes panel? (basically moving them AS a group) Do the strokes inherit the group visibility? I saw it had an eye on your preview. And will groups be able to nest inside groups? Super appreciate any clarification, if you cannot tell I am immensely excited for the future of Magica.


1. subgroups will have their own boolean and blend options, just like normal primitives. 2. there is no limited max number of strokes contained in a subgroup. there is only a limitation for the total number of strokes in the entire list. 3. pass through mode may become an available option (may not be in the first prototype). same to the collapse option. 4. currently, transforming a group will transform all contained strokes together.

Immortal Turk

I really appreciate the reply. Sounds like it's going to be a gamechanger. I know I've banged this drum, but please, please make them collapsible, at some point. Magica will greatly benefit from that little functionality.


Are there plans to have the return of image export (HD) with the choice of resolution and gif format in 360° view? Because using another software (ex: blender) for rendering and others is tedious. ;)