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  • The_Golden_Bachelorette_... - audiogram.mp4
  • The_Golden_Bachelorette_... - audiogram.mp4



Joan, the first Golden Bachelorette, has dinner with her family and meets her suitors.



Robin black

I liked who she gave first impression rose to- he’s from my hometown and was posing on a street near my high school. I like his back story too- I can relate. 💞

Val McCue

Welcome back Mattie! We missed you! 🥰 they better not dig any dirt on Joan, she’s too precious! When I first saw Jonathan I thought, why oh why is this man looking for a woman on the golden bachelorette? He could have a 30-something! Anyways, I’m enjoying this show so far and sooo glad you’re covering it! To Gerry: GO AWAY, gold digging cheapskate!

vicky hurley

I never met but went to the same high school & college as Joan. She was a year ahead of me. I found her in my high school yearbook. Tried to copy/paste her senior photo but it changes into a link that doesn’t launch. If anyone knows how I can copy the pic here lmk. She lives 20 min up the road.

Michelle Levy (@atlargebookings)

I’m so glad that you’re recapping Golden Bachelorette!! Super excited to hear your takes on Joan & the men throughout the season!!


My friend had pancreatic cancer. It was not quick and it was excruciating.

vicky hurley

I don’t think Joan is there to necessarily find a man who can physically move to Maryland but instead a man who will travel with her & does love her. When asked what she is looking for she says, “adventure” not someone to grow old with. Not a partner. She has the means to hop on a plane & live life well. She’s emotionally fulfilled with her family but has a lot of life to live & being her family is understandably anchored right now, I think her ideal man is someone who fits with her family but not become her number one priority. Just a thought.


Mattie, I loved your “I just went Cockney!”

Erica Garcia

Gene Hackman! I was crying. As someone who will be 48 in a few weeks, (I know Poodle is still older), Mark being 58 (and HAWT) shook me. There were so many who had been widowed in their early 50s and it made me stare into the abyss for a minute. I immediately clocked Jonathan, who has younger kids…hm you telling me you were “blindsided” by divorce? Fool you were a playa bachelor until your 40s and married a younger woman and you were cheating tell me I’m wrong! My Dad’s voicemail message is the song “my way” so I was losing my mind at Jack. His dinner looked so brown and rich I needed a tums just watching it! Gaw!

Caked By Tiffany

There is always … ALWAYS … time for a cake rant … JS 💖 aaaaand WB Mattie !!

Julie Lott

Popeye Doyle= willy Wonka!!! I fell out❤❤


Everything you said about Johnathan is also what I thought immediately! Here for clout so he can continue on with younger women when he is off the show.


Do we know what Keith does—is Girl Dad a profession? I worry Joan’s gonna fall for another Gerry-type, looking for a sugar mama


Skyrizi is not only for old people. My son has Crohn’s unfortunately, and he takes it

Peggy Ann

Haven’t watched or listened yet but I saw this: https://ew.com/golden-bachelorette-contestant-screen-time-cut-after-restraining-order-8716381

Colleen 🗑

My uncle, too. Terrible to watch someone languish that way. Sorry for your loss. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss as well. It really is a brutal disease.

Amber Johnson

Mentioning the Torkelsons made my 90's kid heart happy. I used to call my sister "Dorky Jane" because she looked just like Dorothy Jane! 🤣

Jennifer Moseley

I legit confused the Torkelsons with the Tortellis (the cheers spin off w Carla’s ex). I really didn’t understand yall crushing on the dad. Very confused until I googled.

Mandy G

My daughter said that Jack sounds just like Baloo from The Jungle Book and I can’t unhear it. 😆

Sarah Beyer

Anyone else think Guy looks like Jeffery Epstein 😬

Madeline Wysong

Chock is not a name! It’s barely even a word!!!

Julie K

There are only six episodes so the elimination ceremonies are going to be bloodbaths

Margaret Rieley

Poodle, I think you’re thinking of the Torkelsons spin-off “Almost Home,” where the mom, Dorothy Jane and one of the other kids (I think two original kids disappeared) moved to Seattle and they moved in with a hot single dad so the mom could be a housekeeper (?), and Brittany Murphy was one of his kids. The dad was played by the zaddy Perry King. 😄


I watched on Hulu today and ALL the ads were for feminine hygiene & vaginal dryness … made me 🤭

Melissa Cummings

When a man says he was blindsided with his wife asking for a divorce…🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩