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  • The_Secret_Lives_of_Morm... - audiogram.mp4
  • The_Secret_Lives_of_Morm... - audiogram.mp4



The scandalous world of a group of Mormon mom influencers implodes when they get caught in the midst of a swinging sex scandal that makes international headlines. Now, their sisterhood is shook to its core. Faith, friendship and reputations are all on the line. Will #MomTok be able to survive and continue to give the rulebook a run for its money, or will this group fall from grace?


Find out more about Chris Farah of Docusweeties podcast here:





So excited for this! Can't believe I'm first to comment... that never happens!! Happy Sissy Here!!💜

Laura Taylor

I truly did not expect the Jos. Campbell reference but I love it!

Peggy Ann

I am so excited for this emergency episode

Angela Oliveira

Thank you for starting with the “ahh awhh awuuhh” song cause I sing that part every time 🙌🏽

Peggy Ann

I have a friend in Utah who is an ex-Mormon. She's my go-to person for anything Mormon haha I asked her about the hot drink restriction. She said hot drinks are forbidden because Joseph Smith would have men over to his house for church meetings. His wife, Emma, got sick of all of the men sitting around and spitting tobacco all over the place and they would brew strong coffee and teas and get drunk and generally make menaces of themselves. She told Joseph that they couldn’t do the meetings at their house anymore because she was sick of cleaning up after all of their messes. Then suddenly Joseph had this big revelation that God gave him “the word of wisdom” which says no hot drinks, no tobacco, no alcohol. (it also says to eat meat sparingly and be healthy) but it was the 1800s so mostly people were ONLY drinking coffee, tea, and alcohol. I said by that logic hot chocolate should be restricted. My friend said Joseph Smith was stupid and hot chocolate was considered a delicacy at the time. Plus soda/pop didn't exist so...She says that people started touting the health benefits of caffeine to explain away their soda/pop addition. I then said well by that logic all iced coffee, iced lattes, and frappuccinos should be ok to drink. It doesn't seem like the Mormons have drawn that conclusion haha

Peggy Ann

What was done to that cake is basically a war crime to Poodle 😅

Val McCue

“Low-budget Targaryen” 😂 are they really related to the handsome, brunette Afflecks? I mean, Zack looks like an inbred Children of the Corn.

Val McCue

Wow 😵‍💫 Personally, I became intrigued about Mormons after reading Roughing It when I was in high school. I remember as a small child whenever they knocked on our door, my dad sorta enjoyed telling them he’d tell them first about Judaism and the Torah, and they would scurry away 😆

Deanna Kittrell

Have you seen the video of Whitney sucking out snot from her child's nose? 🤢🤮




He definitely looks like he is apart of the white supremacist  aryan brotherhood chapters

Tara Jackson

So… I don’t think the fruity pebbles were about cunnilingus. I think it was about a certain kind of shower Demi gave her husband.

Liz Simpson Romano

I made the connection that Whitney is a narcissist by ep 5 when she said something similar to what Kody Brown does in the first ep of the new season of Sister Wives about how they care so much if their friends/family intentionally leave them out of events just to hurt them 😳 as if they aren't the problem....

Megan Cannon

Zac, the albino husband, looks like the villain in Cold Mountain

Just Call Me Wah

My culture does that too. My sister thinks it’s gross but I used to suck my nephews booger 🫣

Cristina DL

Same my dad will always bring up how he did that snot sucking when i was a baby bec they lack resources back home

Mary Scheske

Can confirm: plenty of women over 65 are at Thunder from Down Under 😂

Erica Garcia

Reality SSA! 😂😂😂 I was waiting for Poodle’s Gary Busey voice for Zach because that guy is very Silver Bullet bedraggled addict. I HATE him. Totally agree that Whitney has killed a cat as a child and probably pushed a sibling down the stairs to see emotion because she is a pure sociopath with no empathy whatsoever; to package up that cereal and make Demi the butt of a joke for daring to have a healthy sex life with her husband was so foul. Yall she sat on her husband’s face and he said she tasted like fruity pebbles. I was like “yasss honey you tell these no orgasm having asses what grown folks do!” Imagine leaving a group chat and then being mad that nobody asked you if you were ok. Get bent! And maybe “going to Hawaii” was code for #bodrum 🤔

Claire Pancerz

According to the ultimate source, Reddit, even though we saw them in NYC, Zac actually ends up in AZ for medical school. Jen flies back to UT for filming!

Mandy G

I loved this! Thank you so much for this episode, I could have listened for hours! ♥️


I LOVED this episode Poodle! it is fascinating!

Holly Ellis

Love the Joseph Campbell reference 😂 unexpected haha


Loved this episode!! You guys are great together

Angie Onoda

Poodle and Chris covering this train wreck of a show together was the perfect soft swinging pair!

Rizzy Ramone

Ok I’ve been binging this all day, and all I can think about whenever Whitney is on screen is “Sarah Paulson if she turned to Mormonism instead of lesbianism”. Sarah Paulson isn’t a psychopath like Whitney though, obviously.

Rizzy Ramone

Also, did you notice they kept the name cards up ALL season??

Val McCue

Our girl wives went to Chippendales because Hulu made a fictionalized series, Welcome to Chippendales, with Dinesh from Silicone Valley.


Lots of things from this show explain things about “salt wives”. Lisa Barlow always has a Diet Coke 🤯

Starr D

The Reality Tv show bar has been lifted/lowered to NEW expectations ALL other shows need to respond accordingly !!

Scott Stodelle

All this going down on girls has sold me on this show!!! Thanks


I said the same thing about the sweaters with their names on them! I was like “oh thank god, this is so much easier.” Zac got me in such a homicidal rage I had to get up and walk around a few times…

Rizzy Ramone

I’ve never been around babies much so I NEED to know, is this normal?! Surely a bulb syringe would be more effective? Edit: I should say common, not “normal”

Rizzy Ramone

That scene…all the crazy shit that went down in this show, but that scene literally had me screaming at the TV.

Rizzy Ramone

It blows my mind that the holy tenants of Mormonism exist based entirely on the personal preferences of Joe from New York.


Book recommendation - The Marrying of Chani Kaufman Also “The Witness Wore Red” - the detail in the way she describes the settings alone is fascinating. This is a woman who escaped from Warren Jeffs’ cult. The story of how she got out is so courageous and I can’t imagine having the strength to do it. Also “Banished” which is a memoir of a woman whose father wanted to do a documentary on the Westboro Baptist Church and ended up getting indoctrinated. The leader of the church sends his kids to law school to be able to argue with law enforcement - it’s so insidious.

Rizzy Ramone

I clocked the full extent of it when she instinctively deployed the victim/martyr defense when she was rightly called out on the girls trip. Seen that manoeuvre many times.

Katherine Rea

Lucky Smith was a big time model well before Nara’s stuff blew up (and she’s a model too). But yes I love her content 🫶


Am I the only one who tried watching this show and just couldn't get into it? I had immense trouble trying to tell some of the women apart and a lot of the conversations just seemed so vapid! I got about halfway through the first episode and wanted to scream.

Jesika Roy

You know how 90 Day UK moves so quickly that you really have to pay attention to it to keep up? That's how I feel listening to this pairing. The similar fast talking and voice cadence, the lightning fast wit, so much happening! And like UK, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Amy Diehl

Nos makes me think of The first Fast & Furious lol. Nitrous oxide is awesome, I get it at my dentist sometimes. They don't use a hookah thing but they hook a constant flow to your nose lol. Its the shit though you don't even care what they're doing to you 🤣

Kelly Focke

Wait wait wait!! The fruity cereal sex act was JUST cunnilingus?!!? Color me disappointed. I thought for sure it was at least a golden shower.

Deja Bleu

It's weird how everyone says I wanna stand out..... Be myself but everything and everybody is the same!! Weird weird .... Lots of secrets UTAH, lots!!

Deja Bleu

Teen Mom and HOUSEWIVES great analogy!! Yes about WHITNEY.....

Dee Fitzda

Chris, thank you for explaining that Mikayla has eczema around her eyes. I kept asking myself why she looks like a ghoul but normal in the ITMs. Mystery solved!

Linda Coy

I love Layla and her perfect eyebrows. Layla and Demi are my two favorites.

Dee Fitzda

Does anyone know why he finished undergrad at 27? Mission is about 2 years, but I highly doubt he took time off to work or raise his kids.

Claire Pancerz

Somebody on Reddit did a dive into this and if I am remembering correctly, he might have been on the five-year plan for college?? I can’t swear to it, though.


I’m on episode 3 and I just hate them all so much…I’m gonna give it one more episode but it’s just like watching 8 Whitney’s from RHOSLC

Sage Morton

I started watching and got a little bored. THEN I listened to this episode and Poods was so convincing that I decided to watch at least 2 full episodes. I was HOOKED by the end of ep. 1!!!!! I need more time in my days/nights because OMG! This is why I am obsessed with you guys! Always pointing us in the right direction!!! 😘

Sage Morton

Wow! What a wild back story on this!!! Maybe iced coffee/tea is restricted because to brew it generally is heated first? 🤔 Regardless, I agree it is still nonsensical.

Peggy Ann

No they drink iced tea. It’s consumed cold so it’s fine 😅

Sophie Spahr

Thank you! Whitney gives Hilly from “The Help” vibes SO MUCH 🥴

Susan Sciacchitano

Did you notice that the parents on the show are in their 40’s