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  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_Before_The... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_Before_The... - audiogram.mp4



This is part 2!

Brian apologizes to Ingrid. Niles tells Matilda he wants to postpone the wedding. Sunny finds out Veah brought her ex. Vanja worries when she doesn't hear from Bozo. Loren tries to get out of the friendzone. Tigerlily and Adnan have a tearful goodbye.

On This episode:

Veah and Sunny: 19.07

Adnan/ Tigerlily: 41.50

Vanya/ Bozo 44.30



Em Barker

Not to be a Carl’s wife but is part 1 posted? I can’t find it 😭


Please the tiger lily voice is like nails on a chalkboard hers and the imitation I have to fast forward 😭😆


veahs brother was killed by the police

Abby Ziff

I am having a visceral reaction to Loren- it’s beyond being disgusted. I am so uncomfortable with his behavior that I am in tears. I’m so psychologically uncomfortable that it’s manifesting into crying. It’s too much. Loren is so sick.

Mary Kate

Is ur dad a serial killer?? Cuz ppl who wonder about things…. 🤣

Rachel in NC

Unpopular opinion: I think Veah bringing Rory is ok. The way she handled it is not right but hear me out. If she felt strong enough about her relationship with Sunny, or trusted him completely, she wouldn’t need a safety net. I also believe they are truly only friends now, and she felt safer traveling to another country for the first time with someone who cares about her, even if no longer romantically. The drama has come from her not being upfront with Sunny before she left the US. It’s self-created drama. I think bringing someone with her is actually very smart! While it’s literally the cause of the argument, this is precisely why she needed someone there with her in case she ended up alone in that country, which she did.

Hillary Zalaznick

Poodle - we used to sing “shave and a haircut.. shampoo! Hit by an auto.. Bellevue! Clothes on the wash line.. dry up! You said a mouthful.. shut up!” I’m not sure what Bellevue means, except maybe the hospital in NY?

Megan Cannon

Veah saying “Rurry” (rhymes with furry) goes all over me and it’s all I can think about or hear anymore. Not Rory. Rurry.


I am SCREAMING at Mother and Father Poodle and the missing hiker 🤣🤣Can we set up a GoFundMe for their marriage counseling?

Marie Elizabeth Salinas

Poodle, your dad’s gf is unfortunately confirmed RIP but I guess this is good news for your mom?? lol

Victoria Ganann

Mother Poodle stories are my favorite 😂.. we’ll look for you Mama don’t worry. *says Father Weejus prayer*

Victoria Ganann

YESSSS KIM CRAWFORD STORY TIME feat: Pood’s Mom … free comedy that needs to be shared 😂🫶

Lala B

Chock also has concerningly clammy hands and keeps a bottle of baby powder in his man bag to keep it under control.

Abby Ziff

Poodle please don’t ban me: Just one (potentially unpopular) opinion. I don’t get player vibes or even “mediocre in bed vibes” from Bożo. The incessant goofy joking (you know he uses the same lines over and over) smacks of low self esteem and insecurity to me. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t score with the ladies at all. They probably laugh him off. His vibe is so man-child to me and not at all sexy. I get I may be the only one who thinks that.

Abby Ziff

While I defs get where you’re coming from, the fact that Rory uses the expression “this kid” when referring to Sunny sounds like a high school. He trolls the man’s pics online? Incredibly childish and while I am of the opinion that men and women can be friends, this guy is still in love with Veah and she’s riding the “poor old naïve me” train. She thought the cutesy vibe and Minnie Mouse voice would save her, but she’s one of those women who cannot be alone- ever. Always on her phone if she’s not in the company of others. No introspection. (Also pretty sure there’s no way she’s a Physical Therapist)

Peggy Ann

I was going to say I want someone to record Father Poodle looking for the woman documentary style and then Poodle said Mother Poodle thinks the missing woman is Father Poodle’s mistress 😅


do not tell me that veah, aka cat in the hat, is a certified physical therapist. p.s. she kills me on a misophonia level!


OK, I officially stan Mother Poodle. Being jealous of the missing hiker is incredible. God I would laugh so hard with this woman 😂

Michele Molina

I love the dick riviera song so much and we haven’t heard it in a while I’m so happy

Peggy Ann

Yes, Bozo is Tramp

Michelle Martinez Logsdon

Omg…Mother Poodle, Hey Friend Father and that Vixen of a Missing Hiker might be one of my favorite stories yet. 🤣🤣🤣

Captain of Something

Y’all need to watch the new reality show on Paramount called Dating Naked. Think Love Island with somehow more plastic surgery + full frontal 😂

Captain of Something

Meanwhile, Mother Poodle has the missing woman tied up in her basement because it was just a test for Father Poodle and, unfortunately, he failed! 😂

Captain of Something

He’s legitimately a depraved psychopath (I’m serious). He’s been banned on both main 90 day fiancé subreddits so he’s now the mod of his own personal subreddit called 90 day Loren Hate where he says even more repulsive crap. Sounds like he’s back in the US and as horrible as can be. On the flip side, I think Faith is likely free of him 😅


I highly doubt she is a PT. Notice she said she “works in Physical Therapy” not “ I’m a Physical Therapist.” She probably works in a PT office as a tech.

Rachel in NC

You are completely right about all of that, her voice, and naivety, and immaturity of Rory trolling. And full disclosure I was not clear on the trolling, I thought Sunny was trolling Rory but I watched it again and i was wrong. Ok my original statement should be edited,”taking someone to another country to meet a virtual stranger is pretty smart, but everything about these people is very wrong.’ KGQ friend

Ariel Koch

Veah said on the show that the CPS investigator said her situation was the worst abuse they’d ever seen, and that her brother was killed by law enforcement

vicky hurley

Rory knew this would blow up her relationship & he’s enjoying it. She should have talked to Sunny about her travel anxiety & anxiety being alone in a strange country. Together they could have found an answer. But Rorsy immediately disrespected Sunny online. So this was cruel to do to him.

Dana Tabala

Lmao Mother Poodle sounds exactly like my late Nana! When I was a kid she used to sit at the window and watch the 25 y/o neighbor. She swore she was my grandpa’s mistress! I somehow got dragged in to it and I LOVED sitting there with her and spying! 👀😆 Then when my mother found out… YIKE!

Val McCue

Agreed, I think she knew he wasn’t going to take well traveling with her ex so she could had told him prior to traveling and prevented a lot of headaches for everyone involved. Maybe she thought this was TLC’s You, Me & My Ex International 🫠

Ashley Elizabeth

Veah brought Rory to prove to Rory that she had other options. She let the man troll her bf, then brought him. That alone shows that she doesn't care one bit about Sunny.

Ashley Elizabeth

Agree, he is giving me Nicola/Misha vibes. Maybe his family is super relegious. -Would still bang tho.

Olga Bacio

I’m with Poodz, as a runner I have never come across any bodies


I'm on podcast but can't get new episodes


It makes me want to get Kelly Bishop down there to respond with “RAWry” every time.


Between Veah and Tiger Lily, this season is becoming a human rights violation (I forget if these are even on the same show because it all runs together…)

AnitaBonghit 69

Mary Payne once said before we met Rory and speculating about him that he looked like Kato Kaelin


I must be awful because if I saw a picture of my boyfriends ex on his phone it would have snacthed it up IMMEDIATELY.

Emily Kandel Miller

Colon cancer survivor sissy here with a PSA! I know Mattie having a colonoscopy November 1 was a joke, but I’m concerned that he hasn’t had his first one yet. Colin cancer is on the rise but it’s super treatable, especially when found early!

Amy Kalasunas

damn it Mattie and your " Eagles Wings" hymn - I HAD TO FINISH IT IN MY MIND & it will be here ALL DAY DAMN IT

Sandra Munoz

I'm waiting for my car to get serviced and I can't stop laughing about your mom and dad.


Am I the only one that thought Sunny’s reaction was understandable? Veah not only hid the fact that she brought Rory but still hadn’t told Sunny after being with him for 24hrs. Then wasn’t apologetic for at all. Just for him to find out cuz he saw a picture on her phone is wild. Then what was she doing for Sunny to be able to see the picture? While yes, yanking someone’s phone out of their hand is never ok, I strongly suspect he saw it, asked her about it & she tried hiding it again. So the only way to confirm he saw what he saw, was to look himself.

Renee Revolinski

I prefer to meet Matt over Paul McCartney any day of the week!


No I still can't get it. Joined on patreon and Apple and still nothing


I hope father Poodle knows that’s a good way to become a suspect


Totally agree! The level of betrayal is wild. All the weeks or months of planning, all the steps/to do lists and conversations about the details of taking a trip like this and lying the whole time. It’s not like Rory hopped in the car last minute, this is a deliberate violation of her partner’s boundaries.

Amy Diehl

I'm kind of surprised how you guys are so harsh on Sunny. I think it was a super shitty thing for Veah to do to him, and I think he was completely justified in his actions. He even made sure She got back to the hotel safely before he left and didn't just leave her stranded out there in a foreign country. She was already rude to him when she wouldn't taste his food and he let that go and then she kept that big secret from him and brought her ex out of anyone else that she could have chosen to bring with her. And still didn't tell him about it. Sorry but I'm on team Sunny on this one 🤷‍♀️

Amy Diehl

I'm team Sunny on this. If he did grab the phone from her then that's not right but how do we know that even really happened. That could have possibly been Veah just saying that being dramatic. She was super shitty to him.

Amy Diehl

I think Rory looks kinda like Joran Van der Sloot 😂